3 Messages


142 Points

Friday, December 11th, 2020 6:46 PM


Why was my review rejected?

I recently reviewed the show "Star Trek: Discovery", and my review was rejected, telling me "Your contribution has been declined.We did not capture a specific reason during processing.".

I would very much like to know why. There is no profanity in it, and I have seen way worse rants on IMDb. This is my review:

"I won't even attempt to repeat many of the points already being made by most of the reviews here, but this show finally got me to the point where I have to vent.

This is utter garbage. Not from a technical point of view, don't get me wrong. The show is mostly well-shot, the VFX are mostly very well done, the make-up and SFX are at times stellar - what really lost me is the fact that this show seems to be written by some whiny, loud-mouthed, entitled activists who have astonishingly insufficient writing skills and couldn't care less about Star Trek.

Instead of thought provoking science-fiction set in a post-scarcity future, we get identity politics brainwashing and nonsensical plots that take huge dumps into the past. Because of course they couldn't let the iconic Mr Spock just be the phenomenal character he was, no, it was his diverse sister called MICHAEL who made him into the man he became. I mean, let's face it - even if he was a Vulcan, he still was a straight white male, and we can't let those be greater than anything these hack writers will ever produce in their lifetime. So they brought him along, confused, childish (not even the hipster beard could change that), helpless. What a relief that Space Jesus is here to save him - and the whole galaxy while she's at it. Wait - is that even her, I mean THEIR correct pronoun?

There are some good things about it, though. Saru is portrayed by the enormously talented Doug Jones, and I feel like he could have been one of the great captains of the Star Trek universe if it wasn't for these idiot writers. His mannerisms, his presence and imposing gentleness are quite impressive. Too bad he's surrounded by morons. But I also like Stamets quite a bit, as well as his partner Dr. Culber - but then you have body positivity incarnated right next to them, and she outweighs (haha!) their potentials with one of the most cringy characters I have ever seen in such a setting. Damn, compared to her, Wesley Crusher seemed like a really cool dude.

This is not Star Trek. They don't talk like Star Trek, they don't behave like Star Trek. And even if the show looks good, it doesn't look like Star Trek. Unless another Jon Favreau comes along to kick Kurtzman and Co. out of this violated franchise, Star Trek is dead.

This is a spoof, a badly written parody of Star Trek (kinda makes you think when the actual Star Trek parody "The Orville" is better than the official show, doesn't it?), and you might even think this was done intentionally to discredit this epidemic of wokeness that has infected most big franchises. Sadly, this is not satire, but bad fan fiction on a big budget, and the sooner they stop funding this trainwreck, the better."



578 Messages


11.2K Points

4 years ago

Hi there - we aren't going to accept a user review that makes a joke out of an actress' weight, or of some people's preference to choose their pronouns.


Please also refrain from making comments about other reviews.

3 Messages


142 Points

Jokes that seem tame compared to the offensive joke that is Star Trek: Discovery, indeed. Also, you seem to confuse commenting on other reviews with acknowledging the existence of other reviews.

But, Sir, your wish is my command, naturally.

3 Messages


142 Points

Damn, how did I not think of that? :-D