138 Messages


1.7K Points

Thursday, July 4th, 2024 9:23 AM

In Progress

Why this doesn't work?

Here for example i want to change incorrect actors name to correct one

And there is an option to leave old name on existing credits or don't
But it doesn't work
Doesn't matter you check it or uncheck it, always old incorrect name stays on existing credits
And then you again need to go on actors filmography and change it one by one
Why then this option exist if it doesn't work?
I corrected literally hundreds of names and always had the same result, that old incorrect name stayed on existing credits
I tried both ways many times, same result everytime



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

2 months ago

Hello ugnieska,

Remember that we keep credits listed as they show originally in the on screen end credits. If there are existing credits which should be listed with the old name, they will remain listed as they are. I encourage you to take a look at our Names help article for more details. 

138 Messages


1.7K Points

@Fran​ That's why this option exist to keep old name on old credits or not, because sometimes name is just incorrect and you need to change it, doesn't matter it's old credits or new credits, but this option just doesn't work
You still need to correct credits doesn't matter you change name or not




14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

If a name correction with "preserve previous name" disabled cannot be approved as is, it might be better to decline it rather than approve it with "preserve previous name" enabled. Then the contributor would have the chance to add better justification.

138 Messages


1.7K Points

It never approves it
Always 100/100 times same result
Why then this option exist if you still have to do same work?
Just now twice



14.2K Messages


327.8K Points


Post the reference numbers, at least.

138 Messages


1.7K Points

I don't do this feature now
Because it's useless
Just gives you more unnecessary work


778 Messages


15K Points

2 months ago

That does never seem to work. For me, even if there is only one credit on the page being merged and I provide a screenshot and video link of the credit requesting that no attribute be created because the name page has spelling mistake or whatever, it still goes with the incorrect name carried over. Just one of those things, that requires extra work to clean up after the merge, been that way for years, it does make you question the point of the tickbox.



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

Hello all,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I've forwarded this information to the appropriate team for further investigation. I'll reply once we receive further information. Thank you for your patience.



2.2K Messages


23.1K Points

Can you guys help me posting some examples when this is not working? screenshots when is not working as it is suppose to, so we can take a look! 

778 Messages


15K Points

@Fran​ I cannot recall even the name pages I've merged or corrected where this was a thing, let alone provide a screenshot I'm afraid.

I can however say, every time I've done this, bar one time it worked as it should, no matter the evidence or explanation, an attribute was created for every credit. I even had a staff member do a merge for me once after I was denied and it happened.

Now I use work arounds, if there's few credits, I move them to the correct page and merge the empty page into it, or if it's a correction, I use screenshots as evidence and add attributes to all the applicable credits, then when the page name is changed, those disappear and no wrong ones are created, a pre-emptive strike if you will.

I will try to not do that next time I merge or correct a namepage to see if I can have the problem occur and post it here.

Anyone reading that has this issue happen lately or in due time should also post it in here.