5 Messages


132 Points

Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 4:45 PM


Why my review was deleted?

meu comentário foi deletado e hoje recebi um e-mail dizendo que não será devolvido o que há de errado com ele? não há erros, nem comentários depreciativos, peço a alguém que não seja tendencioso para trazer minha resenha de volta minha resenha foi datada de 4 de março e teve dezenas de curtidas, não quero repostar e começar do zero, quero de volta!

Update: several of my reviews are being deleted extensively for no reason

Contribution #220417-205703-856804



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

2 years ago

Hi Thiago_ -

I can see that your User Review was removed due to a violation of our guidelines, specifically:

Writing in ALL-CAPS! Writing sentences in all-uppercase characters is considered "SHOUTING" and must be avoided.

I encourage you to resubmit your User Review without the all-caps and our editors will take another look.


5 Messages


132 Points

@Michelle​ why don't you return my review the same way and i'll correct it with lowercase letters? there were dozens of likes on it, I don't want to have to repost it again! please I beg you!