1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, February 20th, 2022 4:31 PM


Why is Karkhanisanchi Waari (Ashes on a road trip) rated at only 6.9?

Dear IMDB team, 

Despite getting good audience and critics reviews and earning higher ratings from most of the audience, the current rating for Karkhanisanchi Waari https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14524028/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3 is only 6.9. Could you please explain why? 

As per your metric seen at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14524028/ratings/?ref_=tt_ov_rt,

30.7% of the audience has rated the film 10, 17.3 has rated it at 9 and 16% have rated it at 8, then how come the overall rating is only 6.9? 

We have made the film with much effort and pulled it through the pandemic with backbreaking efforts. It has been feted at prestigious film festivals such as Tokyo, Shanghai, IFFI (Goa), Melbourne, and many more. It has also been widely loved by audiences and critics everywhere. We have also received favorable award buzz. Seeing the lower rating on IMDB is causing much concern and disappointment amongst our hardworking cast, crew, and media partners. So I humbly request you to look into this matter and kindly give our film its deserved rating. 

With much gratitude and regards, 

Archana Borhade

Producer, Co-Writer & Cinematographer of Karkhanisanchi Waari 



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

3 years ago

Hi ArchanaB-


The rating we show is a weighted average based on the ratings we receive from users, the title has several ratings from 1 to 10 and the average is taken from there. To learn more about the ratings displayed on the page I encourage you to visit our help pages

