50 Messages


796 Points

Monday, September 4th, 2023 7:03 PM



Why does your policy allow reviewers to give 10 ratings but then admit it is much lower but they want to sway the rating?

Why does your policy allow reviews where the person gives the show a 10 but says "it's not really a 10. It's a 7 but I just want to counter the negative reviews..." Then they go on to make A,B,C (false/insulting) accusations against other viewers saying their projected insult/reason is why everyone gave it a low rating, even though the accusations are never the correct reason. Why does your policy approve of these types of reviews that openly admit they are trying to silence the opinions of others? People have real opinions. We like or do not like shows for our own, valid reasons. I would prefer to see the REAL ratings instead of having to be influenced by people who want to silence anyone who does not agree with their opinion. Please share why you allow this in your policy? Thank you.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Plethora -

We do not allow this, if you see a review that violates our guidelines, please click "Report This" at the bottom of the review and select the appropriate reason from the list then click submit.


50 Messages


796 Points

Thank you.  I did that but both were declined and I was told to see the policy. That is why I was confused. Both of those ratings literally SAID they were giving a 10 to counteract low ratings even though their real rating was 7 or various other numbers. I was told to "see the policy" as far as why it is OK for them to rate something a 10 even though they just said it's not a 10 and they only give it that to counteract other votes.

I felt that is unfair, because they are saying we are not putting our true opinion, even though we are. I always want the real rating so I can better select what to watch.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Plethora​ Can wee have the 18-digit submission reference for the declined report?

50 Messages


796 Points

Yes. Here are two different reviews where they both admit they rated it higher to counteract those who gave it low ratings:  

#230829-040824-492404 (In two places he confirms it's a fake rating. In the first sentence he says his "real" rating is a 7 or 8 but giving a 10 because he felt the character already should have died in the prior series. At the last sentence he says he gave his "high rating to counter the low ratings.")


different review:

#230829-045023-126904 (says in the first sentence the real rating is 7.5 but giving it a 10 to make up for the "hate" others have for that the final ending episode.)



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Plethora​ First one I have deleted. Second one it says '10 for the finale' not for the hate, so that one wont be deleted.

Thanks for reporting!

50 Messages


796 Points

@Bethanny​  No. That is not what it says. He says he would have given "7.5 out of 10" (75./10) "if not for the hate." By hate he is saying the low ratings from people who did not like this series & that they killed off the main character. So instead of giving it the 7.5 out of 10 he is giving it a 9.5 out of 10 in an attempt (as he says in the first paragraph) to counteract the "hate'" i.e., low ratings. Anyway, I have other things to do. I just find it disappointing when people post fake ratings to counteract other ratings and when they post the spoiler in the title. 




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Plethora​ That makes sense, I have deleted it.
