5 Messages


240 Points

Sunday, June 19th, 2022 7:23 AM



Why does this not meet contribution guidelines for GOOFS

In a Perry Mason episode, they clearly converted the door labeling form POLICE to SHERRIF.  And did a poor job.... Seems like something that's not supposed to be visible in the show, the "shadow" of the word police is a goof, just like a boom mike shadow is often called out as a goof.  Yet my submittal of this goof was rejected as "not meeting guidelines". How does it not meet the guidelines when the goof sections contain entry after entry for show after show of boom mike shadows. #220617-011326-646000 GOOF ADDITION   At about the 30 minute mark the sheriff drives up and you can see on the bottom of the drivers door the faint remains of the word POLICE. That's been removed (mostly) and on the top half of the door it's had a sheriffs logo and word added. Miscellaneous Reason Does not meet contribution guidelines. Your contribution has been declined. Please review our submission guidelines.

Accepted Solution

124 Messages


2K Points

3 years ago

In my opinion, it's really not a goof. We don't know the provenance of the car. Did the sheriff's department buy it from a police department? Maybe they just had a crappy paint job done. The only way I can see this being a goof is if you're *sure* it's the exact same car shown elsewhere in the episode as a police car and then, with no story line explaining its transfer to the sheriff, it's been poorly disguised. Do you see the difference? But it's still a good catch! If I were you, I'd just resubmit it as trivia rather than a goof.

5 Messages


240 Points

@SoCalGrace​ I see where you are coming from.  Yes, it could be looked at as something that could happen "in real life" so in that sense it would not be a goof.  I would still lean the other way because I don't see people making movies and including things like that in them unless they are part of plot points.  But you do make a good point.

Accepted Solution



2.2K Messages


24K Points

3 years ago

Hi jimntempe-  Thank you for posting the submission reference! After reviewing the information, I can confirm that there were no violating issues with the contribution and it has been approved. The changes will be live on the site shortly.  Cheers!