1 Message


70 Points

Saturday, December 4th, 2021 9:54 AM


Why does my Masters Revelation review keep getting deleted

I have written a sincere, thoughtful and detailed review for Masters Revelation and despite it being highly critical there aren't any slurs against anyone. It is definitely not as aggressive and unbalanced as many other reviews out there. However, IMDb keeps deleting it without any explanation whatsoever. Could you please tell me which guidelines my review allegedly violates?

  • Summary: By the power of wokeness... she has the power!
  • As a longtime and passionate He-Man fan, it really pains me to see how many times this show displays the potential to be the greatest Masters of the Universe show ever, only to squander said potential for woke, agenda-driven writing.

    First off, the animation is beautiful, especially in the first episode, with castles and vehicles that look exactly like the original toys (the one thing I really missed in the Motu 2002 show) and characters that look like perfect updates of their 80s counterparts.

    There was great voice acting too, for example Mark Hamill's Skeletor, but first and foremost Lena Headey's Evil-Lyn, who is fun to watch because of her snarky lines and character development in the show.

    Above all, the darker tone and the fact that characters can bleed and die in this show, is a refreshing and much welcomed change to the very child-friendly 80s cartoon. The worst thing about rewatching cartoons from your childhood is to know that there are no true stakes for any of the main characters. Since most Motu fans are grown-ups now, adding a little violence and consequences was the right choice to make.

    Unfortunately, despite all of this, I couldn't enjoy the show because of the way it was written and because it desperately lacks the one thing that no Motu show can succeed without: The most powerful man in the universe and its heart and center, our childhood hero, the one and only He-Man!

    The writing of the show seems hellbent on promoting strong female characters and thus the supposed (male) hero of the show doesn't appear very often in this first half of the season. He has to step aside for Teela, who is the actual protagonist in this one. However, it's not the old Teela we all loved but an always angry and fierce feminist cliche of a character with a sideshaved haircut and the physique of Stallone in his prime. The motivations for her story arc are selfish and self-righteous, thus making her unlikeable and her character development incoherent with the once strong woman from the 80s Motu stories. The old Teela was a perfect embodiment of female empowerment without being an obnoxious and over-the-top stereotype.

    After all, Motu has always been a more male-targeted franchise and it just feels so forced and wrong to change the essence of what has made this franchise so popular, especially without a great story to back it up.

    It's really sad that another show with potential for greatness was compromised because writers made story decisions based on political agenda instead of telling the best story the world of Motu has to offer with all its colorful (and mostly male) characters - a story that stays true to the source material and that most old and new fans alike could've enjoyed. Hopefully the age of wokeness will come to an end sooner than later so that better writers can bring the magic back to Eternia.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi Nerd0ffensive -

It's likely that this review flagged on the political agenda commentary, however, since the review focused on the content of the title, this review doesn't appear to be in violation of our Guidelines.

I encourage you to resubmit the review and our editors will take another look.
