4 Messages


112 Points

Sunday, December 20th, 2020 10:45 PM


Why Can't I Rate a Movie that Has Been Out for More Than a Year?

The movie A Homecoming for the Holidays has been out for more than a year and has some user reviews, yet I can't review it and I can't rate it either.

Why not?

Here is a link:  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11193190/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

Thanks for any help in adavance.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

4 years ago

Joined Sun, Dec 20, 2020
- - -

A Homecoming for the Holidays (2019 TV Movie)


USA 5 December 2019 (DVD and Blu-ray premiere)

France 23 December 2020 


10 Reviews
Kind of juvenile.
malachite-78432     5 December 2020


User Ratings
No Ratings Available
Ratings are not available for this title. ? ?

( Just adding some clicky links here )



4 Messages


112 Points

I wonder if the problem is that it is listed as coming out on December 23, 2020 in France.  It was released in the USA about a year ago.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

December 21 2020


A Homecoming for the Holidays (2019 TV Movie)
User Ratings
 6.7  Rate
IMDb Users
545 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 6.7 / 10
Rating        Votes
10   12.3%     67
 9      7.5%     41
 8    15.8%     86
 7     26.8%  146
 6     19.1%  104
 5       9.5%    52
 4       3.5%    19
 3       1.1%      6
 2       1.8%    10
 1       2.6%   14
