6 Messages


184 Points

Thursday, June 6th, 2024 9:10 AM


Why bad formatted?

Please can someone tell me what is wrong with this?


8 Messages


174 Points

4 months ago

It's an assumption.  Maybe you and some of the people you know do that, but you can't actually verify that 'most', or even ANY other people do it.

Also, your grammar is wrong.  Brad and Josh are two people, not one.


6 Messages


184 Points

Thanks a lot for your reply!
From what I see, it wasn't rejected because it didn't fit trivia, but because of poor formatting, so what should the correct form look like? because I'm not a native speaker (I use a lot of translator and copy paste)

8 Messages


174 Points

@kiziorek​ Just had another look at the question and realised I might have misread the post and misunderstood the problem.  I thought your 'trivia' had to do with people skipping the credits, but i see that was just your reasoning.

The fact that Brad Pitt and Josh Brogan are connected to the film isn't really trivia, because they should be listed on the show's IDMb cast list, and can be seen if somebody DOES look at the credits.  And they probably have lots of shows that they are executive producers on.

Trivia is stuff that people may not know about and that wouldn't be in one of the typical areas.  Like, for instance, the fact that Dirty Dancing lead actors Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey actually strongly disliked each other, despite their on-screen chemistry, to name one off the top of my head.  Or that Robert Downey Jr. used to hide snacks on the sets of The Avengers, and pull them out in the middle of scenes.  (If you've ever watched that, the blueberries he is eating on the helicarrier is an example of that habit.)  It's not something that would be posted in the movie's description or cast or whatever, it's just a fun little fact that makes you go, 'huh'...  

If this was, say, the first show that Josh and Brad had ever been titled as producers on, or one of a limited number, or there was an unusual reason that they were given that title in the show, (like say if someone was credited because they were in a relationship with someone else or provided a special prop or money out of their own pocket or something,) then posting that would be considered trivia, but not just the fact that they were listed in that role.

And the 'does not meet our formatting standards' is just the answer they give for every time they decline a post, it can mean pretty much anything.


6 Messages


184 Points

I think I've got it.
It should go like this - "Some of the producers are..." the translator is not perfect.

6 Messages


184 Points

Thank you very much for this detailed answer, especially the last part which explains a lot of my rejections.