50 Messages


796 Points

Monday, September 4th, 2023 7:00 PM



Why are you supporting spoiler reviews that reveal the entire ending in the title?

Why do you allow major spoilers in the titles to go unchecked? For example, there is a review that says, "So-and-so-charcter is dead get over it." (I purposely left out the name because it is a main character everyone knows.) That is what happens in the last episode of that series. People watching the show do NOT know he is going to be killed. It's a HORRIBLE spoiler, yet you allow it. Lots of reveiws give major spoilers in the title. In those cases you need to either remove the entire review or you need to change the code to allow the "spoiler" alert to hide those titles along with the review body. Why are you letting these major spoilers stand? I flagged that one but they said it was fine even though that main characters death is something no one wants to know before we have watched the shows.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Plethora -

If you see any review that is a Spoiler without a warning user the 'Report' button and select 'Spoiler without a warning', if the spoiler is in the heading please instead select inappropriate and explain in the box. 


50 Messages


796 Points

Thank you. That is exactly what I did, and I cited the title which is word for word what I posted above, except it says the character's actual name. The report was declined. That is why I am making the suggestion that even titles need to be consided. If I remember correctly, it already was flagged as "spoiler" but that did not hide the title which tells us our favorite, main character of the show ends up dead.

50 Messages


796 Points

Also, the declined report told me to "see the policy." That is why I wrote to ask about it, as it made no sense. 




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Plethora​ Do you happen to have the 18-digit submission reference for the report?


50 Messages


796 Points

Here is one. He does use that sentence in the review, but also in the title it says "Blank-MainCharacter is Dead..." I've run into this quite a bit where a spoiler is approved to be hidden but they never notice when I share the TITLE ALSO needs to be hidden when it has a spoiler in it. Thanks.

Here is a recent one. Again, I am talking about the TITLE, not where he also says this in the body:



50 Messages


796 Points

Also, FYI, part of the confusion might be it was ALREADY flagged as a spoiler. I was just writing to say the TITLE needs to be hidden, too, because it reveals the BIGGEST SPOILER possible!! (That the main star who is the whole show, gets killed.)



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Plethora​ Yes we don't hide the title but it is against policy to put a spoiler in the title so we have to delete it. Author has now changed the title though so it's fine to stay.

Thanks for reporting!
