3 Messages


90 Points

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 5:20 PM


Why are you keeping on refuse my review?

Good evening.
I have posted my review of the film "Low tide" (the link of the movie is: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2221490/) three times but you have always rejected it with the reason "Does not meet eligibility criteria. Your contribution has been declined. Please review our submission guidelines."
I have read yours submission guidelines and honestly I don't think my review has violated any of them: it is a very normal review like the others I have posted since now and after this one.
May I please know exactly which eligibility criteria I violated, so that I can remedy this and submit a review that may not be rejected?
Users like me spend part of their free time to make reviews that can be useful to other people who want to see a certain film. As yuu know, we do it for free and in our spare time, so I think it would be fair that when you reject a review, you say what this violation of the guidelines consists of.
I thank you and greet you




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi @Didachos -

Can we have your 18-digit submission reference?


3 Messages


90 Points

Yes! for sure. the lastest is #240519-133821-452004

Many thamks!



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @Didachos​ -

I can confirm that your review was declined because there were certain terms used within your review that were in violation of our User Review Guidelines.  You will need to review our guidelines, remove the inappropriate terms from the review, then resubmit and our editors will take a look.

3 Messages


90 Points

I really can't understand what these terms could be. If I call a mother "the worst in the world" because she let his son grow up all alone, could it be a violation of the Guidelines? Actually I can't understand to which terms are you referring, because I've just tell the facts as they are told in the movie.
Anyway, I'll try to remove all the terms and give a "icy" review. But it won't be a review, because it will kack of heart and sentiment. 
We'll see



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @Didachos​ -

More specifically, the inappropriate term used was 'half-retarded'.  You will need to remove or replace this usage.

Hope this helps.