2 Messages


70 Points

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 9:05 PM


Who the hell decided to lower case everyone's job titles on IMDb?

Whoever decided to lower case everyone's job title on IMDb with the new page design should be fired.

As someone who works in the film industry, not only does this look completely wrong, but it just feels so unprofessional for a website that is displaying credits of people who work in the film and TV industries.

I've used IMDb for 20+ years.  Please change this.  The design is nice, but let's make sure everything is titled appropriately and as per modern day grammatical sense when referring to people's job titles.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Name Page Redesign



3K Messages


72.5K Points

2 years ago

Actually it makes perfect sense and is grammatically correct for the English language. Why would anyone think that occupations should be capitalized? Also, it should guarantee standardization across IMDb, though that isn't always the case.