martin_695862's profile

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Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 8:32 PM


When adding non-unique crew names for episodes of a TV series, always put the matching name first that already has credits for the series

I've been adding a lot of missing crew for episodes of a TV series. To reduce the effort, I've done this at series level: add credits for John Smith to episodes 1.1, 1.5 and 1.9; add credits for Joe Soap to episodes 1.1 and 1.3, etc.


There are cases where there are multiple people in IMDB who have the same name. This is especially true of crew as opposed to cast (actors are usually prevented by Equity etc from having a stage name that is already in use). At episode level, you can bring up the list of people for that section/department who have credits for a given season (although not for all seasons, which would be nice). But there is no such list for series level.


I have a suggested enhancement. When you add an ambiguous name and a list of all/some matching names is displayed, how about putting the matching name(s) that already have credits for this TV series at the top of the list. I've had to so this manually by keeping open the series-level page and searching for each ambiguous name to find out which one already has credits (maybe for a previous season) and so is likely to be the person you want for the current season that you are adding.


It's little things like this which speed up data entry when there is lots of data to be added.

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