4 Messages
210 Points
What defines 'Badly Formatted' when submitting new location info?
So I'm currently passing the time binge watching 'The Bill' and when locations I recognise crop up I try to update the relevant episode pages and try to keep it simple by having 'road, borough, county, UK' and some go through whilst others get rejected as 'badly formatted'. I know that ones that can be attributed to the fictional location if said verbally in the episode get through a lot better, but there are some that they don't state location.
The most recent ones that didn't get accepted:
Location Addition
Your contribution has been declined.Your contribution did not meet our formatting standards. Please review our submission guides.
Location Addition
Your contribution has been declined.Your contribution did not meet our formatting standards. Please review our submission guides.
So where did I go wrong when other times I've input locations in this method have gone through okay? I've read the submission guide for this section and I'm still unsure where I'm going wrong that some locations aren't accepted when others are.
14.6K Messages
332.8K Points
4 years ago
English locations usually end "England, UK", not just "UK". There are examples of this in the guide.
Croydon seems to be officially within London. Several locations are already listed, including:
Whitgift Street, Croydon, London, England, UK
As the guide says, "Wherever possible, please use an existing IMDb location description as a starting point/guide for any new location being submitted."