Tsarstepan's profile

4K Messages


85.9K Points

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020 6:04 PM


We need an image gallery overhaul. I cannot be the only person having problems with how the image galleries are structured and organized.

When it comes to popular TV series (and to a lesser extent ... popular movies) and their (literal) unmanageable thousands and thousands of images in their respective image galleries? 

I. Placement seems random. And I mean REALLY random. Unprofessionally so for a database as popular and well regarded as it is.

  a. Order not sorted out by type: Still Frame; Event; Behind The Scenes; Publicity; Poster; Production Art; Product. Just by clicking for one type isn't really a helpful feature when most of the time, still frames take up a monstrous majority of the image collection.

 b. Not sortable by season. Though I have to concede if this was to made into an actual reform/measured tech fix, it couldn't possibly be retroactively done and only be initiated with new seasons of tv series. Going through hundreds of thousands of preexisting images and labeling them into their respective seasons throughout the database would be nigh undoable (and I'm pretty sure that as crowdsourcing projects go... this would be at the dead bottom in terms of importance and priority).

 c. Latest uploaded images and where they can be found when approved.

    1. if the uploaded image went to the front of the gallery ... every time that would be fine. Newest images first mentality.

    2. if the uploaded image went to the end of the gallery ...  every time that would be fine. Oldest images first mentality.

    3. placement in the gallery is up to the bizarre whim of the person or broken AI that approves the image. There's no consistency or logic. Most of the time, it doesn't matter. Especially if a given gallery has less than X-hundred of images.

   4. when receiving clicking on an emailed link about an uploaded image and finding out that the image was approved? Why isn't there a DIRECT link to that published image? That doesn't seem to be too much of a stretch (programming-wise). I cannot tell you how many times I have had images uploaded and approved - and I have no idea (a couple of days after the approval for allowing them time to percolate between approval and letting the image properly be uploaded to the gallery) and having to manually search through hundreds of images to find it randomly thrown onto a random page in the several dozen of image gallery pages. A link added to the image status page would be a great facilitator and help solve this immediate problem (if not ultimately make these galleries any more manageable). Yeah. It's a bandaid to the whole gallery problem but a welcome one. It'll only help the person who uploaded the image soon after it's approved. And others looking for a similar or same image be damned.

II. You cannot change the number of displayed images on a given image gallery page. When searching through the 4.5+k images of the Walking Dead gallery, going through 48 images at a time before hitting the next page button is mind breakingly tedious. Even then there's a possibility one might skip over the particular image one is looking for. To be able to change these numbers of images per page wouldn't solve anything. It would provide a placebo/salve effect to tone down some of the frustration of searching through literally thousands of images.

III. Images that are mislabeled by their uploaders. Example: Below is 12 poster images labeled as still frames. You wouldn't think that these 12 out of 4.5k images would be a problem, but I guarantee that at best there are dozens of others mislabeled RANDOMLY throughout the gallery. And when you're looking for one specific scene or image? These mistakes add up and only make it that much more frustrating as the reporting mechanism isn't built that way so one can suggest an edit for this kind of change/image amendment.

  A. Allowing these mislabeled (and on rare occasions - broken or blank images) approval either suggests an apathetic admin approval or a slightly glitchy AI.

  B. Duplicates. I know in the past that duplicates (especially of DVD cases) were tolerated because of the connection between Amazon sellers and the IMDb page (but I thought (misremembered/wishful thinking/delusion??) there was a campaign to move away from that in order to clean up the system as a whole. Though once again, the image reporting system needs to be tweaked.

IV. Reiterating on the Image reporting system in place. Sometimes an option isn't even available. When available not all issues are addressed (eg. already stated mislabeled image as mentioned above).

V. Image classification itself. 

   A. What defines each category and the ambiguity of say... stiff frames as an example. Take Jurassic Park.

       1. Stephen Spielberg DID NOT make a cameo in Jurassic Park. Below is a mislabeled image of the director. Looks like a possible still frame from an extra feature for the making of documentary. Still doesn't belong in this category with the other 1k+ still frame images. 

       2. Coincidentally, there are 21 black and white images for a film that's literally 100% color. Take these mistakes and times it by the unknowable x. There has to be other mistakes like this and they ADD UP when you have to look through thousands of other images.

       3. You might think that most of my arguments are toxically geeky/melodramatic nerd based on semantics. But no. Ultimately, I don't care about the semantic violations as much as how UNMANAGEABLE too many popular image galleries can get. Really super unproductive. Why have these galleries if they're often nearly unusable/unsearchable as a database?

4K Messages


85.9K Points

3 years ago

This is still a major problem. Now image submissions are being allegedly approved for publication and days/weeks later... they're still nowhere to be found in their respective image galleries.

481 Messages


8.5K Points

3 years ago

There also needs to be a way to delete duplicates that have copyright info. As it is now you can't delete anything with a a copyright. People tend to put up duplicates of posters all the time that have copyrights listed. Makes the galleries look bloated. Also it would be great to somehow only show a poster in the country that it is listed as. Having 20 versions of the same Spider-Man: Homecoming poster from 20 countries is frustrating. The only difference on any of them might be the month in the home language. 



14.2K Messages


328K Points

No, some of us like to be able to see posters from different countries.

481 Messages


8.5K Points

If it's a different design, great! But 20 of the same image is a bit much. 

4K Messages


85.9K Points

The problem isn't posters but posters and promotional images that are mislabeled as stillframes (especially with large image galleries exceeding 1k still framed images).

And the other problem is trying to find that damn needle of an image in a continent's worth of hay. 

Not to mention that now we're having admin/image approval problems where the image is officially approved and pending at the same time (thusly never actually appearing in the list days and weeks after their submissions).




14.2K Messages


328K Points

3 years ago

I sent IMDb a list of images that were listed as still frames even though they clearly weren't, and the reply said, "These images have been supplied by our partners and cannot be amended." So I'm not doing that again.

481 Messages


8.5K Points

3 years ago

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047834/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 1,159 images from an hour long animated movie is a bit much.  Just an example of overkill.