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Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 12:34 PM

Vivienne Maya

I was watching a 1971 movie that has several possible titles, most recently "Duck You Sucker" starring James Coburn and Rod Steiger. I wanted to see who another character was, the lady who plays Coburn's girl friend in the flashbacks.

The name that appears is Vivienne Maya, clicking on the link I am taking to a page with her information her DOB stating that she was born in 1969 (making her 2 when she played a fully grown woman). A further search reveals there are 2 Vivienne Maya's in the IMDB database. The second Vivienne was very active in the early 1970's and is almost certainly the lady in "Duck You Sucker".

The Vivienne Maya (I) lists several movies/tv shows that she performed in, including two before she was born. These should be the Vivienne Maya (II) aka Vivienne Chandler.

The problem I am having is the submitting corrections page does not have an EASY method to report an error such as this. Nearly every entry in the Vivienne Maya (I) needs to be reviewed for accuracy.

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929 Messages


39.3K Points

10 years ago


The fix for this is actually very simple to do – but I must stop you there because I think that you’re wrong here; nothing big, just misreading the page.

You say Vivienne Maya (I) was born in 1969, but actually she was born on November 6th, 1947.

As such, she was more than the right age for the role in Duck You Sucker.

However, we do need to change several credits – but it is those of Vivienne Maya (II).

If you look at (II) you’ll see all of her credits are post-2007 and projects in the US (when Vivienne Maya (I) was in the UK fighting the cancer that would ultimately win), that is with the exception of her credit in Clockwork Orange – which it is clear is the same actress and indeed on Wikipedia that one is listed with the other credits IMDb shows.

So actually we need to change someone using the ‘simple’ method I mentioned before. So:

- I go to Clockwork Orange and click ‘edit page’

- I click ‘correct’ in the cast list

- I click ‘correct next to “Maya, Vivienne (II)”

- I delete one of those ‘I’ and submit it as  “Maya, Vivienne (I)”

^ like I say, very simple. You don’t need to do this – I have done update 141019-195316-917000 for this change.


note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

Although your reasoning was wrong, you were right that these credits need reviewing.

I think a good starting point is to identify who British actor Vivienne Maya (I) is. So here are some pictures of her in different films:

Giù la testa / Duck You Sucker

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

And a few in real life, when she was a bit older:

And one about a year before she died from cancer:

So now we know who Vivienne Maya (I) is, which helps when we look at the credits which may or may not be hers.

So let's look at Vivienne May (II)'s credits:

I've already done update 141019-195316-917000 to move Clockwork Orange to Vivienne Maya (I), but the other one that stands out as odd is Ceaseless Sound (2011), which is a UK/French production which is about an older woman battling a terminal illness.

This is the Vivienne Maya in the film:

As you can see, whoever Vivienne May (II) is, this is not her, so I've done update 141020-194311-761000 to move the credit in this film to Vivienne Maya (I),

I've also watched the film and it should not be a (voice) credit - although she does narration, she is clearly in the film and also speaks in it too.

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

Looking at a couple of the credits for Vivienne Maya (I) there is also the oddity where there are a couple in the middle where she is not credited as 'Vivienne Chandler', which struck me as odd that she would use a name, stop for a bit, then start again.

Those credits are:

Since Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is uncredited we can't check the name on that one, but let's do the others:

Young Sherlock Holmes 

The Ploughman's Lunch 

The Draughtsman's Contract 

Victor Victoria 

I'll do updates to add (as Vivienne Chandler) to all of these....but this means that only one of her credits where she is not uncredited is now listed her as her 'proper' name.....which makes me wonder why she is listed on IMDb as Maya - a name she used so infrequently.....

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

While doing the update to move the credit on Ceaseless Sound (2011) from Vivienne Maya (II) to Vivienne Maya (I), I of course confirmed the credits so I knew that the (as Vivienne Chandler) was correct:

I note that this change has now gone live....but I was thinking that, since the film seemed so specific to Vivienne Maya (I)'s sad situation but also the spirit she showed in the film, I wondered if they would have given her other credits since it was clear she was not just an actress in this.

As I suspected she has what i think is a music department credit, and also a dedication (which is only to her first name, but must be her):

I have done update 141021-062558-960000 to add these two credits.

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb



431 Messages


26.1K Points

Thank you for doing this, Bob, and thanks for sharing. It actually made my morning reading your posts and the credits. Very moving.

929 Messages


39.3K Points

10 years ago

Update 141019-195316-917000 is of course still within its processing time, but since so many others have gone through quickly, please see below some screenshots in support of moving the Clockwork Orange credit from Vivienne Maya (II) to Vivienne Maya (I).

Name in end credits (as Vivienne Chandler)

Face in film (other bits tastefully edited); pretty sure she is the woman in the middle rear of the shot.

There are a few examples online where Vivienne Maya (I) is referenced in the films which IMDb currently credits her for, and also this role (for example this very specific blog which does obituaries for people who have been in westerns and have died).

Hopefully this will help with update 141019-195316-917000 (I think I already put a link to this thread in the update when i did it).

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

10 years ago

An interesting addition to this, and back to the film that started this thread - Giù la testa, aka Duck, You Sucker, aka A Fistful of Dynamite or whatever else you want to call it!

Now, Vivienne Maya (I) is in this film as we saw in the screenshot above, but she is listed as 'uncredited'....I did check the end credits and true enough, her name does not show up in those....and it was afterwards that my brain realized that the end credits were all crew and actually no actor names are in there!

So, brain engaged (a bit), I went back and checked the opening sequences, and found this:

As you see it does appear that Vivienne Maya (I) is credited (as Vivienne Chandler)....the 'as' being an issue I'll come back to in the future.

So any thoughts from my peers as to why she is (uncredited)?

I'm not sure if the version I have is a later cut or version, but the running time matches the original release, and the end of the credits shows the original year of release:

MCMLXXI is 1971, for those of us without the educational background of Hans Gruber.

I have not done an update to remove the 'uncredited' from Vivienne Maya (I) role in this film, but I'm not sure why I shouldn't since she does appear in the credits....


note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

10 years ago

Hope I still have your attention!

Well, it seems that update 141019-195316-917000 has not been accepted to move the Clockwork Orange credit from Vivienne Maya (II) to Vivienne Maya (I) even though it seems open and shut case to me.

I have verified that the credits are not locked by being confirmed complete and have submitted 141103-084705-611000 to make this change - but with a link to the evidence in this thread.

I think I have already proved that the credit belongs to Vivienne Maya (I), but let me add to this by also proving that it does not belong to Vivienne Maya (II) let's talk about her.

Vivienne Maya (II) credits at the moment are thus:

So, just the year pattern alone should say the fact that Mommy's FavoriteThe Video Guys and Night for Day were all made in USA at a time when we already know that Vivienne Maya (I) was fighting cancer and living in the south of France.

Of these three credits I could only find one to watch, which is  Mommy's Favorite. It was not particularly good but it did allow me to put a face to the name:

This is Vivienne Maya (II) as she appears as Stacy in Mommy's Favorite:

So very clearly a different person from Vivienne Maya (I)!

This is not to say that the same person is the same one on all three credits - indeed it may not be since the credits on The Video Guys and Night for Day are both listed (as Vivienne Chandler) whereas Mommy's Favorite is not.

Whether or not this means we have a Vivienne Maya (III) on our hands or not, we can be pretty sure that these two credits do not below to Vivienne Maya (I) either since both are very low-budget films where the actress is working with a small group of local people in the Long Island area (you see common credits for Dan BrennanRuss Camarda,Rachael Palmer JonesDrew Henriksen and neither of the films appears to have an elderly English woman battling cancer in them when you look at the official photos for Video Guys and the photos for Night for Day!

Hopefully this is enough to verify the update to move the Clockwork Orange credit from Vivienne Maya (II) to Vivienne Maya (I).

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

Update 141103-084705-611000 has been accepted thanks to the evidence here so the Clockwork Orange credit from has moved from Vivienne Maya (II) (who was not born at the time!) to Vivienne Maya (I) who did the work.

A common mistake - people with the same name getting confused, but sometimes can be hard to resolve.

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

929 Messages


39.3K Points

10 years ago

Removing a video from a name page?

Perhaps this question is too deep in this thread for others here to see....but I'll put it here first rather than creating a new thread.

I have been trying to remove the trailer for the film Night for Day from the page of  Vivienne Maya (I); we have already seen it proved that this was the work of Vivienne Maya (II).

I have done this a few times now, the first well over a month, however it is not seeming to work.

When i go to change the names involved on the trailer, I see this rather simple list:

There are 2 Vivienne Maya's listed...although no way to see which is which. In the past i have unchecked you see above, today the one in 'other people' was rechecked, so I have removed that again.

Am I doing this right/wrong? Is there a simple reason that it is not being removed from the page of Vivienne Maya (I)?

Worth saying, at no point has the film Night for Day been associated with the page for Vivienne Maya (I) apart from this trailer being there.

note: I am not an IMDb employee, nor in any way affiliated with IMDb

111 Messages


13.8K Points

 "There are 2 Vivienne Maya's listed...
although no way to see which is which."
Ugh!  Such atrocious UI design.
The IDs are hidden!  That's ridiculous.

There is a way, albeit cumbersome:

Using the web browser's "developer tools" or "inspector" to examine the HTML source code associated with the two "Vivienne Maya" check-boxes, we can find the associated IMDb IDs.

The "Vivienne Maya" check-box under "Other people" represents nm0151302, Vivienne Maya (I).  The other "Vivienne Maya" check-box represents nm6773009, Vivienne Maya (II).

Clearly then, you can try this:  Uncheck the "Vivienne Maya" box under "Other people", since that one represents nm0151302.  Check-mark the other "Vivienne Maya" box representing nm6773009.

If you do that and the change still doesn't go through, then I'd think it would be appropriate to ask staff to investigate.