4K Messages
244.3K Points
Visualizer and lyric video as music video subgenres
Lyric video, straightforwardly, is a subgenre of music video which has its own keyword. Logically, another subgenre of music videos, visualizer, should also have its own keyword, but it dosen't so should such keyword be created?
To put it into perspective: as detailed in this article, visualizers (with a 'z') are music videos, but often using less high-concept visuals, sometimes looped, that merely accompany music rhytmically or thematically. Oftentimes a song can recieve both visualizer and a more traditional music video, with either latter or former being for a different version of the track. However, it is easily distinguishable from mostly non-visual "Official Audio"-type uploads on YouTube.
There are some examples already added to IMDb, including but not limited to:
Asher Angel: All Day (Visualizer) (2020)
Beck: Colors - Slime Visualizer (2017)
Niall Horan: Black and White (Visualizer Version) (2020)
We can assume logically, that as in case of lyric video, word "visualizer" is only used in the actual title when there are several distinctive music videos for the same song and/or when used officially by uploading music label. However, that sparks another interesting question: would visualizer-like releases not billed as such but officially made/sanctioned by label and/or artist be elgible for inclusion on IMDb?
To make two examples of such potential elgibility:
Accepted Solution
17.7K Messages
315.4K Points
4 years ago
Hi Nikolay -
We are currently flexible and have been accepting of broad sub-genres to existing primary genres (for example: black-comedy, courtroom-drama, slapstick, neo-noir, sketch-comedy, melodrama, psychological-thriller, survival-horror, etc.).
Based on the information you shared, we would be accepting of 'visualizer-video' and 'lyric-video', as they are sub-genres of a type of music video.
Hope this helps! Have a good weekend!