valkyrslayer's profile

70 Messages


2.5K Points

Friday, July 26th, 2024 5:21 PM


Video Game Expansions, DLC, Seasons, Updates and Compilations

IMDb has a growing Problem with how Video Games are handled.

The Guidelines still say that DLC and Expansions should be added as alternatve titles to the Original Game. While I get the Idea behind that this causeses several Problems and doesnt reflect at all how Games are being added for the last several years on IMDb. Most Expansions and bigger DLCs seem to have their own Pages.

See Horizon Zeo Dawn:

The Problem I have  with DLC and Expansions as alternative title is that crediting voice actors and staff becomes confusing for long running Games. For Example World of Warcraft. The Game has been out since 2004 and still gets Expansions. If we would add them as alternative title you could end up with voice actor credits for an Game entry where the voice actor was maybe not even born or way to young to have been an voice actor.

Same goes for Games with Seasons or bigger named Updates. Example Apex Legends:

Seasons add new characters with new voice actors but the way it is now they would be added to the 2019 entry.

An additional Problem is People adding Video Game collections or remasters as their own entries.

I think Remaster or a Collection should not be a seperate entry.

Example: This is just a collection of 3 Bioshock Games which all have their own entry. We wouldnt add the Indiana Jones Movie Trilogy for example a Box Set entry so we should not do the same with Video Games.

Complete Remakes on the other hand should be seperate entries since they have different voice actors and direectors, staff etc most of the time.

The World of Warcraft entry is kind of a mess since I tried fixing things by following the current guidlines.

Can we please get updated Submission Guidelines which clarify thooose things more clearly and update how Expansions / DLCs are handled.

The current guidlines dontw work well for Video Games and stuff that get submitted seems to be all over the palce.



5.2K Messages


54.7K Points

1 month ago

Hi @valkyrslayer -

Thank you for your feedback. We have escalated this DLC and Expansions to the appropriate team. While we are not always able to take immediate action on every issue, please be assured your feedback has been captured.
