18 Messages


460 Points

Monday, January 9th, 2023 3:20 PM


users reviews for a movie title are about another movie

I was reading reviews about a Lebanese film called "Farah" (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt11883966/?ref_=vp_close) and I discovered that users talking about another Palestinian movie called "Faraha" (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11555492/?ref_=vp_close) and they are a lot of reviews, is there any solution to move these reviews to the correct page instead of reporting each review alone 


Accepted Solution

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago



While I agree that many of these reviews were posted to the wrong title, it also extremely likely that many of these reviews are paid spam reviews intended to boost the rating and popularity of Farha (2021). Therefore, these reviews should be outright deleted rather than moved. I will flag them to help make that happen.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

Update: of the 31 "reviews" on the wrong title, 30 of them were intended for the other title. I have flagged all 30, all of which should be removed for various reasons. It should take 24 to 48 hours for IMDb to act on my flags, and if any reviews still remain at that point, we can re-flag them.

The "reviews" on both titles also show strong evidence of botting on the ratings, in order to promote the 10-star reviews and downgrade the less favorable reviews. Someone is out to promote this film, even if that means posting fake reviews and artificially augmenting the votes on these reviews.

I would expect the ratings of both films to also have been boosted, especially since the spammers responsible for the fake "reviews" can't even get the correct movie.




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@keyword_expert​ Thanks a bunch!

18 Messages


460 Points

2.7K Messages


47K Points


Update: of the 31 "reviews" on the wrong title, 29 were very quickly removed (one of which I had not even flagged). This leads me to believe that all 29 reviews came from the same IP address or were otherwise detected as being generated from the same source. 

I have flagged the two remaining "reviews," but it may take up to 48 hours for them to be removed through more conventional means.

Interestingly, when the 29 "reviews" were quickly deleted, that included the deletion of a review I chose not to flag (because it was clearly written about Farah (2022), although the review was pretty lacking in substance). In other words, 29 spam reviews were removed in one fell swoop from Farah (2022), but only one of these 29 reviews actually involved that movie.

Maybe the spammers realized belatedly that they were adding their reviews to the wrong movie, and added one more review that was actually relevant (but still not about the movie they were paid to promote), before switching back to adding "reviews" to Farha (2021). 


2.7K Messages


47K Points


Another update: I also flagged 10 obvious paid spam "reviews" posted to Farha (2021). 

There could be more than just those 10 reviews that are fake, but those were the ones that immediately caught my eye. 

If the removal process is anything like what happened with the other title, we can expect those 10 reviews (and probably others) to be removed quickly.

Right now there are 50 "reviews" posted to Farha (2021). 



2.7K Messages


47K Points


Another update:

Farah (2022) now has 0 reviews.

My attempts to delete 10 of the 50 reviews for Farha (2021) are still pending.

By the way, I suspect that many of the fake "reviews" were written by chat-bots. 

2.7K Messages


47K Points


Another update: 11 of the 50 reviews on Farha (2021) have been removed. I have since flagged a handful of additional 10-star reviews on this title that appear to be paid spam; those flags are currently pending.

I also found these older forum threads about the reviews on this title. Apparently the "review bombing" has been going on for a long time on this title, and from both directions (both 10-star reviews and 1-star reviews). One of these forum threads even has fake reviews right on the thread itself!

Is IMDb censoring Farha reviews on behalf of Israel?

An attack of fake 1-star reviews


18 Messages


460 Points


yes, because it is related to Palestinian - Israeli conflict, probably you will find  this in all movies about middle east conflict

Accepted Solution



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi @islam2_mohamed -

Reviews can't actually be moved, so they would have to be reported.
