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70 Points

Saturday, March 12th, 2022 10:35 PM


User review?


I guess you might be having a busy weekend because a lot of new films came up on netflix and my other streaming apps.

I posted a couple of reviews and the first one that published didn't take any time at all , I'm new here and still working things out. One of them got published but the other seems to be taking a long time. I can just delete my account I guess, I've done nothing wrong but it seems a bit fruitless to take the time and effort to write out an accurate review for other viewers if it won't get published.

I've worked in film and television for 20+ years and have an excellent grounding and understanding in what makes a good or bad product. It seems to me that a greater majority of releases these days are subpar... cinema distribution was always a tight quality control but the amount of rubbish making the cut for streaming seems like an endless list of terrible D grade quality content.

If you're in someone way offended by my honest review of this film https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1754700/?ref_=tt_urv perhaps you should take a quick look at the trailer. It's quite evident to me in the first 30 seconds how bad this movie is.

Nothing I have described in my review breaks any rules as far as I can see, if you I'm wrong do enlighten me because I'm not interested in being a pest but would like a clear explanation.

Here is the review: "

I'm still in shock at how bad every aspect of film making was abused in this and completely baffled as to how this got a spot on any streaming service? I do get the feeling that something went terribly wrong here and no one previewed this particular film before adding it to the selection. That being said it's barely visible anywhere and I only stumbled upon it thru a torrent thinking it was another film called The Prototype which gained a lot of attention with a trailer back in the day. That film never got completed? Or ran out of finance but looked promising.

Ok so....t about this abomination, you really can't watch this without dropping your jaw or constantly looking at the person next to you just to see their reaction, every line of dialogue sounds like it's written from the mind of a deluded child who has zero idea about the english language or to write a script.

I'm struggling now to find the words, those men wearing the silver t-shirts as a costume? How could anyone take this seriously?

Some characters and scenes are heavily reminiscent of Ed Wood but even so, Ed Wood movies still have their charm. The Prototype feels very disconcerting because of its total delusion, it's quite obvious budget has zero to do with it.

The fact this is a sci film about (well kinda about) an apparent alien invasion doesn't mean it needed to rely heavily on actual CGI to tell a story but this film maker decided that VERY bad CGI will have to do. Many films have been made in the past with a low budget that didn't delve into something they couldn't pull off. It kinda lands hard like Birdemic but like I said before it's not laughable but very unsettling.

I'm not going to spoil any plot lines because I'd prefer to have this review open for people to read. I urge everyone wondering if this is a good film to watch the trailer so they get a good feel for what I'm explaining here.

I actually just created this account to write this review because I had to.

I noticed the scores swing between 1 and 10 in the reviews and was intrigued, I read thru them trying to figure it all out.... All I wanted was to relax and watch a good movie and this is the first time IMDB ever sucked me in to want to join and actually comment on a film.

After reading the external reviews off this site, the fact this took 23 years to make? No one takes 23 years to make a film. That's not an achievement and blindly supporting your friend with a 10/10's here to deceive others is not a good deed.

We've obviously reached a point in history where anyone can make a film, they don't need an education in film making and everyone wants to be famous.

Andy Warhol gave you 15 minutes but it took you 23 years to get it.

Watch this film at your own psychological risk. Where does anyone begin to explain this movie with a review?"

please let me know why this is taking so long.

Kind Regards




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi Johnnette -

I can confirm that your User Review for "The Prototype" is still pending review.  I encourage you to keep an eye on our current Data Processing Times page to know when your submission will be reviewed, we currently have 3,572 pending reviews processed through March 6th, so your review (submitted on the 10th) will be reviewed shortly.
