2 Messages


132 Points

Monday, April 1st, 2024 7:19 PM


User Review does not meet eligibility criteria

Hello there, it's the first time I'm posting here, so I hope I'm in the right place. If not, apologies in advance.

A couple of days ago I submitted a review (#240330-235831-736904) and today I've been informed that it hasn't been accepted. Reason: It does not meet eligibility criteria. Tbh with you I knew something was wrong from the start, because usually my reviews don't stay as "pending" for more than an hour, if at all. I went to check again the submissions guideline, and I realised that I've used a couple of disallowed words (they made sense in the context, but I understand a rule is a rule), so I expected for the review to fail as "Does not meet contribution guidelines". No big deal, I was ready to edit the review to make it proper and to submit it again. 

I didn't see coming the "does not meet eligibility criteria", though. Again, no big deal, but I'd say the review was in topic from start to finish, and I can't think of anything else that it may have triggered the rejection. I'd like to know where I failed, not only to fix this particular review (if possible), but for future submissions as well. The contribution guidelines are fairly clear and spelled out on the site, but the eligibility criteria not so much, so a clarifications would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Accepted Solution



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

6 months ago

Hi @TheEveningSoother -

As you mentioned yourself, the review mentioned above contains words not allowed as per our guidelines. Eligibility criteria refers to the review following our guidelines.


2 Messages


132 Points

@Bethanny​ Many thanks! I'll edit my review to fit the guidelines, and I'll be more careful in the future. Thanks again for your time!