3 Messages


96 Points

Sunday, July 14th, 2024 11:08 PM


Untagging my name from a Trailer video

Hello @Michelle 

Can you please untag my name from a Trailer video? I don't appear in the trailer and it is my Primary video on both my IMDb and IMDbPro pages. I've been trying for a few years to remove it but saw actors have had success with the same issue by requesting it in this forum. Thank you! - 


My page is https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2656318/?ref_=rvi_nm

1 Message


60 Points

2 months ago




30 Messages


646 Points

2 months ago

Hi @AnthonyDeVito 

I've removed your name tag on this video now. Cheers!

3 Messages


96 Points

Hi @Carl, I still see the video on my regular IMDb page. Does it take a while for the change to show up?





17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @AnthonyDeVito​ -

I filed a ticket (#P141350144) for the appropriate team to investigate, as soon as we have an update we will confirm the status here.



17.2K Messages


310K Points

2 months ago

Hi @AnthonyDeVito -

The video is now removed form your page.  Cheers!

3 Messages


96 Points

Thank you!