1 Message


70 Points

Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 6:07 AM



Unable to verify...

Getting really tired of seeing this as a rejection notice. I'm sorry if you haven't seen some TV shows as many times as I have, but that does not negate the fact that what I am submitting isn't legit.

You can clearly see the visual distortions (time stamp 6:00+) but it was still rejected.


Many times I have submitted goofs for The Big Bang Theory, and it's like no one at IMDB has ever seen the show. At all. 

Perhaps you should add a field for us to slow walk you all thru the steps to verify? Or at least a notice that allows us to answer any questions such as, "could you please provide a time stamp of the episode so we can verify what you're seeing?"



1.5K Messages


16.5K Points

1 year ago

Hi Morph416-

Thank you for posting the submission reference number and a screenshot of the scene! I have taking a further look at it and your submission was fine to approved. I have gone and ahead and accepted it and the changes will be live on the site shortly. 

This processing error has been escalated. 
