6 Messages


238 Points

Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 2:54 AM


Trying to fix mixed up Japanese name problem but corrections repeatedly rejected.

A Japanese actor I know and worked with had 5 different name pages but I knew for certain they were all him since I've seen his movies, talked with him a lot, he acts in my third feature, etc. so I did name merges to fix this problem; however, when the last name page was merged with his main one, it incorrectly changed his name. His name is Takashi Irie with Takashi being his first name (this is always a first name in Japanese) and Irie being his last name (Irie is always a last name in Japanese). The last name page incorrectly had Irie Takashi as his name (it also very wrongly said he was an actress when he is obviously an actor yet I already got that fixed) but clearly it should be Takashi Irie as it was on his other pages (and how it really is in all his credits). The name merge changed all his credits to the wrong one though: Irie Takashi but again this makes no sense in Japanese since Irie is only ever a last name and Takashi is always a first name. Now for all these movies, it added this attribute of "(as Irie Takashi)" which I've tried to correct by having that removed since it makes no sense. Of course, I tried explaining in multiple ways in the "provide an explanation" box about all this but my corrections are denied. Anyone can clearly see what I said about his name is true on the actor's Twitter https://twitter.com/takashiirielive, his Facebook https://www.facebook.com/irie.takashi1, his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/takashi_irie/?hl=en his Japanese Wikipedia https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%A5%E6%B1%9F%E5%B4%87%E5%8F%B2 etc. and anyone who knows the Japanese language will know this is true as well. I've been living in Japan for 5 years now, my wife is Japanese, etc. Could someone from IMDb please help? His name page is here https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2944084/ and for example one of the shorts he is in https://www.imdb.com/title/tt25026508/ where I tried to remove the false attribute "(as Irie Takashi)" from the page actually has an official site listed on its IMDb page verifying what I've said https://www.gagaoolala.com/en/videos/3039/fufu-2021 (it's under the Title Info link and Cast) yet my correction was denied.

Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310K Points

1 year ago

Hi @nightmarefuel -

Thanks for the context and the submission information, I have now removed the incorrect AKA name attributes and the changes should be live on the site shortly.


6 Messages


238 Points


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!

6 Messages


238 Points

1 year ago

These are the 18-digit submission references for the credits I've tried to correct:








And you can see the name merge that resulted in this problem with these references:


I was able to successfully change his gender from the incorrect "actress" on that one bad name page in this submission here:


And I did remove the "(as Irie Takashi)" attribute from my film's credit at least but now his other credits wrongly state that due to the one name merge with the incorrect page.