1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, July 25th, 2024 10:33 AM


Tried to delete data but correction was rejected

Hello! I'm trying to get some credits removed from my imdb page, I am a storyboard artist but am listed as a director and writer because of a personal project I made a few years ago. I would prefer if my page only had industry work on it. Here is the reference number for my contribution: 

24 July 2024

This was the response I received: "Your contribution has been declined. We have been unable to verify your contribution. Unfortunately we were unable to accept your submission as we were unable to verify the information provided."

Here's the vimeo page for the project in question, in the description it states that it is a personal project. 

Thanks in advance for any help!!



1.6K Messages


16K Points

1 month ago

Hi @meganrika,

Thank you for your problem report.

We do not remove credits from an IMDb page if they are eligible for listing. The title and credits in question are eligible for listing per our guidelines, and therefore the credits you attempted to delete cannot be removed.

This is per our policy and our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV, and entertainment information on the web. In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records.
