18 Messages


260 Points

Sunday, November 15th, 2020 3:53 AM


To accidentally close the website while writing a review should save a draft

While writing a review, if you were to leave the site, or close the web browser by accident, you will not get a confirmation request. (Which is very common practice for web pages tagged as forms).

Furthermore, the fact that movie reviews takes long to write makes it vital to have some sort of fail-safe in order. Saving a draft upon closing, or auto-saving periodically, could be a potential solution. Compare it to Gmail, start typing an email, try closing the page, a popup box might inform you of potentially losing data, and re-open the mail client. Gmail will have a saved draft of the email - easy to build upon, edit or delete straight-away!

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago

The web browser is primarily responsible for "remembering" the condition of a page as it is during an active browsing session. Maybe there exists a plugin, extension or addon to that effect?

18 Messages


260 Points

No it is not. Caching websites is one thing, but storing form submission data before it has been submitted is not a viable option. Every search-bar for instance is a form, if I would return to the page at a later time, the search-bar would be auto-filled with my last search.

There are however examples of web browsers saving form submission data (after it has been sent) and can be auto-filled if needed. (Take sign-up forms, or login pages - where email-addresses and passwords can be saved). But how is this applicable to a lengthy text? How does it differentiate between different movie pages? What happens behind the scenes are very simplistic - the web browser simply sees tags such as "password" or "email" and can search its stored passwords and emails to auto-fill.

So not only is this an inconvenience, it is also not applicable with current functionality. A general add-on may exist that can auto-save form data, but it is not worth using for only one site, once in a while...

Gmail has auto-saving, and it works perfectly.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Well, the version of Mozilla Firefox that I run somehow records the condition of pages (including the form fields therein regardless of how long, with the obvious exception to password inputs) that I visit, and the condition is reconstructed upon restoring tabs after the program has been terminated, except for whenever something goes wrong with the web browser's session database, or whenever a tab is closed and reopened within the same session. For good measure, sometimes I "postmark" basic HTML forms (ones not based on AJAX) into specific bookmarklets which make use of the semi-famous petite "post_to_url" JavaScript code that can be used on any web browser that accommodates bookmarklets. I shall emphasize, it does not matter how much data occupies a given form field, as long as the quantity is not something absurdly huge like multiple megabytes.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

4 years ago


Write you review in the NotePad program... Save it... Post it... 

Add your Your Contribution 18-digit ID number to your NotePad text file ? ?

Add the  Permalink to your review ? ?

Keep it or Delete it later ? ?

- - -





18 Messages


260 Points

OMG, this site has the same issue... For some reason I wasn't logged in, and I pressed 'Post', it ordered me to login and then forgot my reply...

This is what I have done ever since my post, but it is temporary. And if IMDb is serious about improving their platform, they should consider implementing this, unless they are comfortable making review-writers agitated by their flawed implementation...

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points


from a NotePad text file ...

Sun Jun 8 2003

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2467618/reviews - 25,020 Reviews
Fri Jan 30 2009

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur20552756/reviews - 18,147 Reviews
Sun Jun 15 2003

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2483625/reviews - 17,347 Reviews


Sat Nov 25 2006

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur13134536/reviews - 16,428 Reviews
May 2000

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur0482513/reviews - 14,667 Reviews



30 Messages


826 Points

You're right, IMDb has many flaws and best if they fix it (the one that bothers me the most is that we can't export reviews, but can export lists and ratings), but until they do no other simpler choice but browser extensions. Also as you say, it is appearing on more than one site, there will be many more that would need extensions like textarea cache.


18 Messages


260 Points


Your argument is that there are people dedicated to writing reviews (on IMDb and others sites)? Or that some of them even get paid for writing reviews, so if the site is buggy, they have to put up with it since it pays the bills?

18 Messages


260 Points

@KurtGScott Yeah, and the fact that other sites doesn't have this feature should not influence IMDb. Sometimes companies have the mentality of: "Others don't have that feature - why should we?" It's entirely up to IMDb to improve the site and user experience. Installing addons or doing other workarounds might solve the issue at hand, but that becomes apparent after a user has encountered the problem. This in turn does not improve the site nor the user experience - since the user gets screwed over twice by both encountering and then try solving IMDb's problems on their own.

18 Messages


260 Points

Ah, and another one, and another one - and another addon to fix what IMDb is neglecting.

Sorry, but I am not getting addon's for one site that I rarely use and one that doesn't care about this issue.

30 Messages


826 Points

Well, there are many sites that would need such addons, not just IMDb. Many forums for example. Chrome and Firefox are almost useless without extensions, I use at least 20. And so far, that is the only solution YOU HAVE TO use until they do something.


18 Messages


260 Points

Whelp, I guess I will have to keep writing in a document and then paste over to IMDb.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

4 years ago

You can’t ”save” the text when writing reviews? Like you basically can do with other submissions (cast, crew, trivia, etc).