extempl's profile

1 Message


82 Points

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 3:42 AM


Title language l10n

First of all - I know there were a bunch of issues posted about the issue (a few, like `We found 29405 similar conversations`).
That's why you need another one. Because it never fixed. A long time ago. Too long as for me and for other 30k people and like 1M who just too lazy to report about the issue.

There is a special page about setting those options (https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/site-preferences/GDL9NWJRKWRH5L6K?ref_=cons_sitepref#) and the appropriate options page (https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general) existing FOR YEARS which are both lying/malfunctioning. And the only thing you can say is, cite:

Sorry for the inconvenience.  This is a known issue and it is tricky to provide the best experience due to the way we store some of the information about original titles and local titles. 

Until we have a full solution, our recommendation is to go to your site settings at https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general and on the menu "Title display country" please choose "Original" which is the first item on the menu.  This will block the localization of titles which should improve things, even though there will still be some issues.


This is a simple (like, 30min fix) issue that could be fixed with a finger click, and you keeping and keeping and keeping saying the same thing.

I just want all the titles in English. Is it that hard to do?
Dunno, if 30min is hard enough for you, just add another switch to the option "switch off the IP identification" and thats it. That would be like a 10min fix. I bet you can do that.

Thanks for the attention.
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