122 Messages
2.8K Points
title 'code' resolves to original title, not well-known, long-running title
In a recent Trivia post, I made reference to The Howdy Doody Show (TV, 1947-1960) using the code tt0165594 which I found on the IMDb page for The Howdy Doody Show. The resulting entry, unfortunately, showed the original title of the show (which was changed very early on), Puppet Playhouse. When I search IMDb for "Puppet Playhouse", I get "The Howdy Doody Show". Could someone fix this so that the 'famous' title is reflected in my Trivia Post (#240402-205457-231000)? Thanks in advance.
5.2K Messages
55.1K Points
6 months ago
Hi @gerald_jones_phd -
It links directly to the original title, "The Howdy Doody Show" is the new title. So it is working as intended.
7.2K Messages
177.8K Points
6 months ago
@gerald_jones_phd How titles are displayed in trivia (and similar) sections is determined by a combination of your settings on https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general and the alternative titles for your chosen country for the title concerned.
In this case -> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0165594/releaseinfo/?ref_=tt_ov_rdat#akas and at the time of writing, this show has a “(new title)” of “The Howdy Doody Show” in the US, but this is out-of-date in terms of IMDb AKA policy. The correct attribute should be “(imdb display title)” and there’s a change pending to fix this. If you have US settings on https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general then this will fix this title for you in the trivia submission within a few hours.
Hope this helps.