12 Messages


230 Points

Friday, April 22nd, 2022 2:04 AM

No Status


Timestamps on goofs/quotes/trivia

There is a website called Movie Mistakes which is exactly that: Mistakes in movies, but it also has quotes & trivia. One option that's on there I think would be a really good idea here, as well: Timestamps. It's an optional field in for format HH:MM:SS. 

12 Messages


230 Points

@Marco​ This doesn't tell me a thing. I know how to submit goofs & trivia in fact I am a top contributor to IMDB. You completely missed my point. There should be a seperate field for timestamping so that goofs/trivia/quotes can be sorted in alphabetical order. Don't waste your time or mine by telling me that it can be included in the body of the text, as I have already been doing that in [HH:MM:SS] format at the beginning of the entry. But it isn't a seperate field so there is no way to sort it. Check out Movie Mistakes to see how it's done there.

2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

@MountainMike​ "You completely missed my point."

The name of your OP is "Timestamps on goofs/quotes/trivia". In your OP, you didn't mention you knew this is already possible for goofs and trivia. So I disagree. I didn't miss your point, it seems you simply didn't explain it properly (the sorting in alpha order wasn't in your OP).

But I'll stop wasting your time (or mine).

139 Messages


3.9K Points

Wouldn't timestamps be sorted in chronological order?

12 Messages


230 Points

Yes they would. But IMDB doesn't have a timestamp field.

12 Messages


230 Points

They're shown in chronological order of submission, but why would anybody care about that? I mean show the  chronological order in the movie or TV show. For example a mistake that occurs one hour and eleven minutes into the film or TV show would be marked 1:11:00.                                           Visit moviemistakes.com and you'll see it done there.


12 Messages


230 Points

@Sandy​ I can't even understand what you wrote. Looks like you failed your ESL class. I think your gibberish may have been trying to explain that you already visited Movie Mistakes, but you didn't mention that previously so how was I to know?

Jag kan inte ens förstå vad du skrev. Det verkar som att du misslyckades på din Engelska klass. Jag tror att ditt snack kan ha försökt förklara att du redan besökt Movie Mistakes, men du nämnde det inte tidigare så hur skulle jag veta det?
