timo_vuorinen's profile

1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, May 26th, 2016 8:41 PM


Time stamp for goofs and trivia

I often read goofs and trivia sections after watching a film, as doing it before might spoil something. Looking back some of the most interesting ones would be easier if the goofs/trivia included a time stamp of the DVD, where in the film the scene is taking place and that the section would be sorted out in chronological order when they are happening in the movie. 

Of course there are different cuts available so they are not always fully reliable but this would make it a lot easier to follow movie mistakes or other interesting observations the IMDB community has offered.



1.1K Messages


50.9K Points

8 years ago

Hi, Timo:
..would be easier if the goofs/trivia included a time stamp...
Timestamping trivia and goof items where possible is encouraged (see paragraph #9 of the section Format/Style in the trivia and goof guides) and many trivia/goof entries have a timestamp at the beginning. I've submitted lots of them myself (adding timestamps to the existing trivia/goof items is one of the steps of my "personal protocol" when I audit a title).
...of the DVD...
Please also note that the timestamps should refer to the original (usually theatrical) release, not the DVD. If source is an HDTV [24fps] or a DVD in NTSC format [30fps] these values match the original 24fps (no problemo); however, time marks in a DVD in PAL or SECAM formats [25fps] must be corrected by multiplying by 25/24 to match the same time marks in the original film. Conversely, if your DVD is PAL/SECAM, you must multiply by 24/25 the timestamp of the page to locate the exact point where the trivia/goof happens in your DVD. Just one example: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106582/trivia?item=tr2619304
  • IMDB: (at around 1h 13 mins).
  • HDTV/NTSC: (at around 1h 13 mins).
  • PAL/SECAM: (at around 1h 10 mins) [73 mins x 24/25 = 70,08 mins = 1h 10 mins aprox.]

However, I agree with you that most trivia/goofs are not timestamped. Here's a brief statistics (data retrieved from plain text files trivia.list and goofs.list as of 13 May 2016).

---- TRIVIA ----

---- GOOFS ----
