Tatami53's profile

40 Messages


550 Points

Sunday, October 16th, 2022 2:58 AM



There does not seem to be rhyme nor reason to when reviews are posted.

I wrote a review of a film called "Firebird." 

I have written over 250 reviews of films and posted them on IMDB. 

Recently 100% of my reviews would be "approved" within several hours and up they went on the site. 

But my "Firebird" review seems to be stuck in some kind of endless loop.  Here is the ID #:  #221013-071437-116704

It's been 3 days and it still says "pending." What that usually means, based on my experience, is that IMDB is unsure whether they can post it. I used the word "damn" in the review. Is this kind of word "flagged"? 

It's really hard for me to understand how the review system works. Is there a list of words that are banned? The word "crap" is definitely not banned, as I've seen it used often. But maybe "damn" is on some list? 

At any rate, I wonder why this review has not gone through, but one I wrote this morning went through in under two hours. 

Any advice? 



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi @Tatami53 -

You can see your review live on the site here.


40 Messages


550 Points

@Bethanny​ Thank you. I greatly appreciate you taking time to respond. Many thanks!