mathepa_a3hykm7n2dxp2's profile

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Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 8:15 AM


The system for reporting reviews must be improved

My reports are started declined again. This happens whenever more than one is reported, and then they approved after reporting here on GS. And you know what? Multiple reports are much easier to make here on GS instead of clicking each item on IMDb page.

Why this happens so often? For many reasons, and I'm not going even to point a possible laziness at the controlling end. 

First. We have no field for details when reporting the duplicates. As a result, an editor can "see not" another review(s) that is totally or almost (except 1-2 words of 50) duplicate to the reported one. 

Second. When duplicates are reported, an editor can be mistaken whether my next report on the same text (but not review #) is not repeating the previous one. So the reports seem been duplicates to each other, but they are not. 

Third. Not all editors seem understanding all the variants for "inappropriate" kind of reviews. Here such editors need the explanation field more than the reporters whom the former might possibly plead to explain some reason to make a right decision.

Fourth. When reports go processed much later, as it was last week, then great chances are for the same reports from other users that can be approved earlier. In such cases it's good that an IMDb problem is finally solved; but who likes the massive reds in the contributions history?

Please burn off or make effective the IMDb form intended for reporting reviews.
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