111 Messages


1.5K Points

Saturday, January 8th, 2022 4:28 PM


"The" shouldn't always be lowercase in titles. Automatic "fix" in editor is wrong.



There was this AKA:

Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Greek Myths

with an undefined country (and no attribute). Edit form wouldn't let me correct it, so deleted it (successfully) and re-added it, with the new country and an attribute.

But when I went to re-add, the editor automatically "fixed" the capitalization and made "The" lowercase. I didn't notice this until it updated the site.

There is no "warning" checkbox for this. The editor literally will not let me capitalize the word "The".

You can see by the context that "The" is supposed to be capitalized in this instance. See the other AKAs and the original title. For a similar comparison, see https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092383/ where it is correct already.

It would change the title's meaning if "the" were lowercase, for it would change the possessive into a contraction, which is wrong. I've come across several titles like this, where the filmmaker or some person's name, as a possessive, is prepended to the title as an alternate title. In every case, if the original title begins with "The", it HAS to be capitalized in the prepended-possesive-name version.

(Incidentally, putting the original title portion in quotes (single or double) is not a solution either. The submission will be rightly Declined for being "badly formatted".)

There must have been some recent change by the programmers of the edit form to try to prevent sloppy contributors from submitting incorrectly capitalized titles, but they should have made this a Warning, not a hard rule with an Automatic fix, because there are always exceptions to general rules and guidelines. That's why they're "general". And "guidelines" are just suggestions.

The edit form checking routines need to be fixed here.

Meanwhile, would an administrator please make the correction manually on this title's AKA, thank you.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

3 years ago

Hi Mvybuf -

We appreciate your feedback.  I have now manually corrected the alternate title with the correct capitalization, the change should be live on the site shortly.

Thanks again!

111 Messages


1.5K Points


Thank you for the manual correction, but I've come across many more that need it too. However, before I post the titles here, I have to resolve another question (which I've posted in another thread).

Meanwhile, I've done some testing.

If a colon or a dash (actually a hyphen) is placed between the possessive name (ending with apostrophe S), the following "The" will remain capitalized in the editor (if you wrote it that way).

But if you use other punctuation such as a comma, or no punctuation at all between the apostrophe-S and "The", the editor tells you this:

The following fixes have been applied automatically.

• Strange capitalization.

The word 'The' is usually written as 'the'.

I would stongly suggest to your editor programmers they either make this a capitalization Warning with a checkbox you can click to waive it, or: modify the same internal checking routine that leaves your capital "The" un"fixed" if it is preceded by a colon or hyphen/dash, to included checking for a preceding apostrophe-S as well.

(Maybe also a preceding comma, though that one's not a hard rule.)

Otherwise, contributors are going to continue creating more title errors, often without noticing the editor is "fixing" them, and contributors like me are going to burden you with numerous manual corrections.
