mikayel's profile

7 Messages


1.8K Points

Monday, September 12th, 2016 4:15 PM


The Promise - Unjustifiably low rating becasue of political reasons

Yesterday, September 11th, a new historical drama movie premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. The movie called 'The Promise' was directed by Terry George (Hotel Rwanda) and is starring Christian Bale and Oscar Isaac. It tells a story about the Armenian Genocide, which was the Ottoman Empire's systematic extermination of nearly 1.5 million Armenians within the Ottoman Empire and its successor state, the Republic of Turkey.

Although undeniable evidence has been provided for over a century and a great number of countries have officially recognized the acts of the Ottoman Empire as genocide, the Turkish government is stubbornly refusing to recognize the truth.

This movie, which is based on real events, currently has rating of 1.4 after only SINGLE DAY of its release. Is the movie really that bad? VERY UNLIKELY! 92.8% of the votes (3930 out of 4235) are 1. I want to emphasize that this movie has only been released within the Toronto International Film Festival, so 4235 people could not have possibly seen it in one day.

OBVIOUSLY, the low rating is caused by Turkish people who try to deliberately lower the rating so that fewer audience watch the movie that tells about their horrendous and inhuman past. The rating of the movie is so low because of the political reasons, not because of its value as a film or a peace of art.

I would like to get the attention of IMDB on this matter. This is unacceptable! I'm asking IMDB to restore the justice. Please delete all the 1 votes from IPs in Turkey and Azerbaijan and prohibit IPs from these countries to rate this movie in the future. This can not be tolerated from such a renowned Internet service.

This conversation is no longer open for comments or replies and is no longer visible to community members.

3 Messages


434 Points

8 years ago

I 100% agree with you my friend! 

1 Message


82 Points


4 Messages


272 Points

Please read this. As you will see, there are two sides to every story and as is often the case, both sides are both victims and perpetrators.
In short, history is very rarely just black and white:

1 Message


180 Points

8 years ago

Those are not true events. We never killed and destroyed Armenians. And believe or not most of the Armenians send to their home after the war.

7 Messages


1.8K Points

This is not a discussion about whether or not the events are true, so keep your opinion to yourself.

14 Messages


408 Points

Mikayel Samvelyan, what you did wasn't also stating your opinion?

1 Message


140 Points

lmao, entirety of the first half of your post is an unsubstantiated opinion, and now you are telling him to keep his opinions to himself.

Yes this was not supposed to be a discussion about 1915 events and should only be about the vote manipulation... But you people just cant stop yourself from inserting shit like this;

"Although undeniable evidence has been provided for over a century and a great number of countries have officially recognized the acts of the Ottoman Empire as genocide, the Turkish government is stubbornly refusing to recognize the truth. "

Repeating some bullshit ad infinitum unfortunately doesn't make it true.

7 Messages


1.8K Points

This is my post, I got to say whatever I choose. It is not unsubstantiated and is widely researched by a great number historians. Everyone knows it is true, Turkish government knows it too and keeps denying it for obvious reasons.

Why don't you ever wonder that perhaps what your textbooks teach you is wrong? And are you brainless enough to believe in whatever you are told? Who do you this history from? No one? I'm a descendant of a genocide survivor and my grand grand father witnessed everything. Don't dare telling me what's true and what's not.

2 Messages


214 Points

Another brainwashed turk

1 Message


60 Points

Will be much better move all 1s who has turkish name, we know lot of turks and azeris out of country (e.g. in Gemany fewmilions).

1 Message


166 Points

My grandparents were killed during those days! How dare you to say smth like that? Stop listenig to the lies of your government just remember what happens im Germany few months ago! You think that nation is also fooled by armenians!

1 Message


122 Points

It's a joke? "believe or not most of the Armenians send to their home after the war"
From 14 person family only my Grand grandmother has survived. Rest of her family were brutally butchered in front of her eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Messages


152 Points

Your grandmother is probably Armenian. Get a DNA test.

2 Messages


152 Points

Your grandmother is probably Armenian. Get a DNA test.

4 Messages


272 Points

That is just factually wrong - and it is also factually wrong when Armenians claim that Turks werent killed in these events as well.

Read this: http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/4/what-we-all-get-wrongaboutthearmeniangenocide.html

3 Messages


434 Points

8 years ago

Someone taught you wrong histrory. There is no FUCKING REASON why would be "make things" like this! Idiots, I have dead grand grandparents because of you, and you say these are not real? What the fuck do you have to show? Lets see - our stolen land, our holy mountain Ararat...hmmm I wonder how the fuck you got that all....

4 Messages


272 Points

" I have dead grand grandparents because of you" - wow, really? He's THAT old?! Come on, thats just silly and its the very reason a lot of bad shit happens in the world. He didnt kill anybody (I hope :) ), so saying something like that is just - Im sorry - stupid!

14 Messages


408 Points

8 years ago

Well, I have rated it 1 and I'm neither from Turkey nor Azerbaijan or any other neighboring country. You can't conveniently censor people's opinions just because it goes against your agenda or whatever that is.

7 Messages


1.8K Points

have you even watched it? 92% 1 rating on the first day taking into account the quality of the director and the cast. If you have no knowledge about this topic in question or the relationships of our countries, don't get into an argument. The reasons for such a low rating is obvious and IMDB can easily track the IPs and figure out that this is planed. So keep your smart-ass opinion to yourself .

14 Messages


408 Points

Let's start by being polite, can we. First of all don't assume things about a person you don't know. Second, yes I watched the trailed, which really sounds like more or less obvious propaganda and over exaggeration of the events. I actually studied, heard multiple parties and gave an exam on what you Armenians call Metz Yeghern, so I know more than your average Joe. The reasons is not what you're stating but merely what the people think. Your average Joe or your average Anne wouldn't even bother because they didn't do any research and just goes by with the status quo they never challenged. Rating is giving voice to people's opinions, and like you can't control what people do in a ballot voting, you can't do so with rating either. Doing so would be not democratic. What opinions should I keep to myself if I may ask? You just stated your opinion from the beginning (your main post is mostly that). I followed suit.

I suggest you to vent out your anger before answering. It makes your thoughts clearer and more organized than the unorganized confused thoughts you put together in your comment.

3 Messages


434 Points

Mikail, you need a doctor. And a Jesus. There is still hope for you.

14 Messages


408 Points

Micca Maximillian, good to know. If you have nothing of value to add to this discussion don't make me waste any more of my time.

3 Messages


294 Points

Mikael. Let's tell things how they are suppose to be, you are suppose to watch a movie and rate it. Have you watched it? NO. Did you rate it as 1? Yes. Why? Because you are likely another miserable person that cannot accept the true history. You cannot disagree that you aren't suppose to vote before watching the movie. So take your 1 rate out, watch the movie, and then rate it with the rating you think it deserves.

14 Messages


408 Points

Mike Uzunyan, at the end of the day it doesn't really affect me. I don't live in Turkey or any other surrounding country. I'm not even Turkish, so I'd have every reason to go by with the status quo and bash at the "fascist murderous/genocidal turks" like any other European does while supporting Metz Yeghern, but I don't do for the reasons I stated above.

Have I watched the movie? No but I watched the trailer, which I hoped wasn't biased by either side but so wasn't. The trailer was weirdly enough to make me rate it because you can see what the full movie is supposed to show. Besides, it's 100 years already and you're even busy spending millions for a movie, not to talk for lobbying, when you could spend them to improve Armenia instead.

2 Messages


154 Points

Mikail have you actually seen the movie or not? and are your close friends turks or do you have turkish roots or not? if you are honest, your answers will justify  your rate, otherwise I don't see a reason why a person will rate a movie without watching it , and will rate it 1 , hah!!!!! 

14 Messages


408 Points

Lilit Griggs Atoyan, as I already explained 2 times I have watched the trailer and so far I've been unable to discern anything constructive since it has an impressive amount of bias and propagandistic items.

I do often rate based on the trailer because you get a condensed preview of what the full movie is going to be and I likely do so when a political one fails to deliver correctly, in my opinion, because yes, rating is based on opinions. Trailers serve their purpose well. I've already 1-rated other movies because they deserved it the same one, nothing wrong with that.

As for me, I've got no Turkish friends other than acquaintances and I have no Turkish roots at all. Even if I had I wouldn't support a view just because I have X roots. That leads to blind extremism as you must clearly know. So to make it clear for once: I'm a proud French from France.

14 Messages


408 Points

Lilit Griggs Atoyan, as I already explained 2 times I have watched the trailer and so far I've been unable to discern anything constructive since it has an impressive amount of bias and propagandistic items.

I do often rate based on the trailer because you get a condensed preview of what the full movie is going to be and I likely do so when a political one fails to deliver correctly, in my opinion, because yes, rating is based on opinions. Trailers serve their purpose well. I've already 1-rated other movies because they deserved it the same one, nothing wrong with that.

As for me, I've got no Turkish friends other than acquaintances and I have no Turkish roots at all. Even if I had I wouldn't support a view just because I have X roots. That leads to blind extremism as you must clearly know. So to make it clear for once: I'm a proud French from France.

14 Messages


408 Points

For a strange reason my comment was posted 2 times.

Spelling corrections: "the same one" -> "the same way".

7 Messages


1.8K Points

Mikail, if you have "studied, heard multiple parties and gave an exam on what you Armenians call Metz Yeghern", you did an awful job taking into account your current view.

My posts serves to a single purpose - get a response from IMDB stuff. The first half of post is served to introduce the topic to someone from IMDB, so that he/she can understand the reason of such organized rating drop.

I don't really care about what you think or whether or not you have done some sort of research. This post is not a discussion about the events occurred, neither it's about someone's rights to vote before watching the actual movie. I want to get a response from IMDB stuff. This is why I (and most likely others) don't care about opinion.

7 Messages


1.8K Points

Mikail, if you have "studied, heard multiple parties and gave an exam on what you Armenians call Metz Yeghern", you did an awful job taking into account your current view.

My posts serves to a single purpose - get a response from IMDB stuff. The first half of post is served to introduce the topic to someone from IMDB, so that he/she can understand the reason of such organized rating drop.

I don't really care about what you think or whether or not you have done some sort of research. This post is not a discussion about the events occurred, neither it's about someone's rights to vote before watching the actual movie. I want to get a response from IMDB stuff. This is why I (and most likely others) don't care about opinion.

2 Messages


154 Points

Mikail, proud french  guy :) better not to spend time quarelling , i hope you will understand how sensible topic it is if you have actually "studied" it. Mikayel has got the point for you;) All the best. 
P.S. All this ballot rating makes me and everyone else intrigued to watch it as soon as it reaches to my corner of the Earth :)

14 Messages


408 Points

Mikayel Samvelyan, if unconditional acceptance of your claims like your average Joe means you're doing a good job, then fine, I'm ok with having done the job awfully.

You didn't just post an issue. The post is full of opinions and reads like a rant to be honest. The IMDB staff is well able to inform themselves without you enforcing your view on them. Neutrality and politeness seem to be your weakness. That's what I see.

I never asked you to care about my research but you were the one raising this issue up (you also quoted it in your first paragraph). I simply explained to another user, not you, how I know about the events in depth, since he brought up the issue. As already said, rating, like ballot voting, is a democratic way of voicing your view and to control it would be undemocratic, akin to censure. Watching a movie isn't a prerequisite to rating. The trailer serve its purpose very well. As a matter of fact, there has been a surge of mass 10/10 rating in the last hours by you-know-why. I guess they should've watched the movie too. Which means that if your proposal of removing 1/10 ratings gets through (highly unlikely) we'd also have to remove the 10/10 ones. In that hypothetical scenario, the rating is still going to be low (look at the voters demographics). 

14 Messages


408 Points

Mikayel Samvelyan, if unconditional acceptance of your claims like your average Joe means you're doing a good job, then fine, I'm ok with having done the job awfully.

You didn't just post an issue. The post is full of opinions and reads like a rant to be honest. The IMDB staff is well able to inform themselves without you enforcing your view on them. Neutrality and politeness seem to be your weakness. That's what I see.

I never asked you to care about my research but you were the one raising this issue up (you also quoted it in your first paragraph). I simply explained to another user, not you, how I know about the events in depth, since he brought up the issue. As already said, rating, like ballot voting, is a democratic way of voicing your view and to control it would be undemocratic, akin to censure. Watching a movie isn't a prerequisite to rating. The trailer serve its purpose very well. As a matter of fact, there has been a surge of mass 10/10 rating in the last hours by you-know-why. I guess they should've watched the movie too. Which means that if your proposal of removing 1/10 ratings gets through (highly unlikely) we'd also have to remove the 10/10 ones. In that hypothetical scenario, the rating is still going to be low (look at the voters demographics). 

14 Messages


408 Points

Lilit Griggs Atoyan, it is sensible indeed. This quarreling is wasting human time and holding development back, in any sense.


758 Messages


29.6K Points

... I do often rate based on the trailer ....
On the ratings FAQ page, IMDb notes that they "...depend on and expect...
users to be truthful and only vote on those films that they have personally seen."
... I guess "personally seen" means watching the movie, not just the trailer?   (-;

14 Messages


408 Points

Nobody, in some cases, like political and propaganda movies a trailer is enough to know how the full movie is going to be. A trailer isn't just there to be seen, it serves the purpose of explaining what the film is about and show the plot in a concise, yet meaningful way. It's really hard for me to rate based on a trailer because trailers do actually catch me and make me want to watch the rest to know what else there is to it. Some are an exception because you can clearly see where that's going.

What I'm doing is not just rating the trailer or the movie. I'm rating the movie portrayal and its bad execution (biased and propagandistic) as a whole.

758 Messages


29.6K Points

BTW, I am just a "Nobody", and I should add
that I am not affiliated with IMDb in any way.

I was merely quoting from something IMDb wrote on the mentioned FAQ page.

(If you disagree with IMDb's request that users should "only vote on those films that the have personally seen,"  it would probably be better to address your viewpoint to IMDb rather than to me.  ... But since IMDb is probably monitoring this thread, they will probably see your comments anyway, although I don't know if they'll respond.)

14 Messages


408 Points

Nobody, it's ok and I thank you for pointing that out to me. I don't disagree with any of IMDB's requests. My rating is ok and I'm still following them like it should be.

2 Messages


214 Points

So you have opinion without actually watching the movie? How old are you?



7.6K Messages


277.6K Points

Mikail: If you are rating movies based on the trailer alone, then IMDb should disregard your ratings. It doesn't matter if you are from Turkey or France or Australia or Zambia or anywhere else, or if you were rating The Promise on the trailer alone or Titanic on the trailer alone or Cinderella on the trailer alone. If you haven't seen the actual movie, you shouldn't submit a rating for it.

14 Messages


408 Points

Vachagan Balayan and gromit82, I'm 25 years old and I'm not going to explain all of this over again, but let me quote my previous comment:

..in some cases, like political and propaganda movies a trailer is enough to know how the full movie is going to be. A trailer isn't just there to be seen, it serves the purpose of explaining what the film is about and show the plot in a concise, yet meaningful way. It's really hard for me to rate based on a trailer because trailers do actually catch me and make me want to watch the rest to know what else there is to it. Some are an exception because you can clearly see where that's going.
What I'm doing is not just rating the trailer or the movie. I'm rating the movie portrayal and its bad execution (biased and propagandistic) as a whole.

Anything else is your personal view of the rating system which you can abide yourself by if you want, but not enforce to other people, not even by means of resorting to IMDB staff to do so. It's just an authoritarian thing to do in a democratic website like IMDB. Full stop.

2 Messages


228 Points

8 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled The promise.


the 11th of September  TIFF aired "The Promise" directed by
Terry George. The movie is about a love triangle and the events are taking
place back in 1915 during the events of Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turks. For
more than a century this topic has almost never been screened for a worldwide
public and this attempt with a talented Director and cast is unprecedented. 
Today I was disturbed by the low rating of the
film and the fact that Turkish and Azerbaijanian activists are trying to underscore the movie to prevent its success in access to wider public is just devastating obvious fact. 
I would kindly ask IMDb to draw the attention on
rating banners especially in the countries where the movie has not been
premiered yet. 

2 Messages


92 Points

8 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled The Promise is not out and people with political motives are alreayd voting 1 sta....

http://m.imdb.com/title/tt4776998/ this movie is not out and people with political motives are alreayd voting 1 star on it. 7,000 votes? Come on.

3 Messages


294 Points

8 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Unacceptable organised "The Promise" movie rating drop.

Turkish and Azerbaijani activists started rating the movie "The Promise" with a rating of 1/10, this is an unacceptable behavior and I consider this to be ruining a great movie and a piece of art!! This is a big problem since many people base their opinions and decisions on whether or not to watch a movie on the IMBd rating.
I think this problem should be fixed. Voters from Turkey and Azerbaijan should be banned from rating this movie and their votes that have occurred already should not be taken into consideration.
Thank you.

1 Message


186 Points

8 years ago

Let's just put politics aside, should we? There are plenty of historical inaccurate movies, many of them are obviously false, like the one where Soviet Union takes over USA, but I don't recall people got crazy about it. Art is above politics. I haven't seen the movie and don't like historical dramas to begin with, and I don't want to rate it 10 just because I'm Armenian(it may be peace of crap, who knows) this whole "rate based on content bull shit" is just immature. Just let people watch the movie and decide how good is it. In other case, rating system would be compromised.

2 Messages


270 Points

8 years ago

I'm Turkish and I agree. This smear campaign is being run by a group similar to neo-nazis and spread all over the internet. They think they're defending their culture or something. IMDb should fix this. 

2 Messages


270 Points

8 years ago

And also, it doesn't matter if those events are real. It's a movie, a fiction. Not a documentary. Unfortunately, our people can't understand that. If one stands against that, they call him a traitor...

1 Message


80 Points

8 years ago

90% I agree whith you, friend. The political reasons are despicable. But,prohibit IPs from these countries to rate this movie? That is censure. I think is possible find another way to control this acts.

Sorry for my english, I do my best 

7 Messages


1.8K Points

I am open to better ways of solving this issue.

6 Messages


226 Points

Maybe you should just deal with it. When Dark Knight came out, it was a downvoting fest between it and the Godfather, the reason why Shawshank Redemption rose to #1. It also happened for Ghostbusters this year. There isn't a solution to this, some people will always vote before watching and some will vote unreasonably based on their political/social/religious/gender/world views. It's censoring to prevent them.

4 Messages


272 Points

8 years ago

Please read this. As you will see, there are two sides to every story and as is often the case, both sides are both victims and perpetrators.
In short, history is very rarely just black and white:

And sure, a movie should never be rated because of politics. That would render many American movies potential targets for hate-votes - lets be honest.

But dont do the IP-thing, thats a slippery slope.....really bad. Who will be prohibited from voting the next time then? Germans, when another WWII-movie is released?

6 Messages


226 Points

Yet if you checked out the comments section, the writer was accused of being a denier and a revisionist. People don't demand discussion like the director of the movie claims, they want subordination and land reparation. That's why Turkish government and people take a hard line on this whole issue. We went through 2 decades of ASALA terrorism in recent history and who talks about it? Nobody. Because people don't care about both sides, but the side that's culturally and religiously more close to them.

6 Messages


226 Points

8 years ago

Yes, remove 26411 counts of fake 10 point votes as well which take up 34.2% of the vote right now which is the same percentage Citizen Kane has.

6 Messages


226 Points

8 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Only reviews with very high scores are being permitted on The Promise, low scores....

All reviews with low scores are being deleted on The Promise, while high score-reviews are being permitted. Isn't this exactly the "Do you find this review helpful" button is for? If a review is bad, let people vote it down. Don't prevent them from seeing different opinions. Otherwise it's unwarranted censorship by IMDB that skews the review pools unfairly. And that's not a site I would trust to read reviews on if there's such a biased censorship process.

From now on, how can I trust IMDB user reviews? Who knows the reason they might have deleted a review, if they had an agreement with the production company or whomever. It's clearly unhealthy.

And before anyone starts, there were ones among which criticized just the movie without mentioning the related political issues.

6 Messages


226 Points

I don't see why this was merged. While this thread is about people's voting, mine was about IMDB's censorship actions and it's a separate issue.

2 Messages


82 Points

8 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Fake votes on "The Promise" (2016).

A few days ago Turks and Azeri's started downvoting the film The Promise (which will be released in December) for the sole reason that the story revolves around the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. As a response, Armenians are now upvoting the film. These links show how many people are being exhorted to engage in fake voting. 



This can continue indefinitely. Please resolve this issue, so that The Promise can have a fair rating.