stefano_stefano's profile

77 Messages


2.9K Points

Saturday, December 31st, 2022 10:37 AM



The Italian tile for a film is wrong/made-up and IMDb refuses to fix it. Top contributor 2017-2022 getting sick of IMDb.

What a joke!

I have been contributing to the site for 20 years and I have been a former "top contributor" for the last 5 years in a row, I don't wanna overestimate my contributions but without my inputs IMDb would have hundreds less tiles less, anong other things. Lately BTW I am increasingly less active as fixing errors is becoming more and more stressful and difficult. If they get immediately approved it's ok, if they get declined (generally for silly/cryptic reasons, such the classic "Badly Formatted") it is almost impossible to change them.

Last example, the Italian title of is "Storia di mia moglie" and not the English-language "The Story of My Wife", I have submitted the correction including plenty of evidence such as the official Italian trailer (, official poster (not difficult to find/check as it is the one in IMDb:,, official pressbook (  and plenty of other websites, and it was declined.

I contacted the mail assistance, summarized the issue and re-provided the evidence links, and the support guy "Luis I" said me to "Please resubmit the contribution with the links you sent here (which I had already included in the original submission) as evidence and our editors will review them". I re-submitted itas suggested (#221228-125555-353000) and got a "declined" again. I rewrote to the support, and the response by the same "Luis I" was an incredible and somewhat insulting "In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records. We believe the data listed is factual, as such we cannot remove this as requested." So after I exposed them the current title is wrong, the response was ignoring all the data I provided, not discussing them, and just saying that their fake title is factual, therefore suggesting that the title in the poster/trailer/pressbook/Italian wikipedia/newpapers and websites is apparently fake.

It's really stressing having to deal with people like this "Luis I.", who are not just less competent of you, but do not even care about answering you on the point (which they cannot, as it's a BLATANT error), and just give you copy-pasted, childish non-sense replies like "No, because I am right and you are wrong". If IMDb is ok with having non-existing titles as primary titles and do not trust me after 20 years and several thousand of correct contributions probably they do not need/want my free contributions anymore. They have some "Luis I." who certainly know more than me after all.



5.4K Messages


56.8K Points

2 years ago

Hi @stefano_stefano -

I understand the frustration you expressed with the recently declined submissions and customer service experience, especially given that you have taken the time and effort to contribute so much valuable information to IMDb over the years, which we truly appreciate. 

Regarding the submission, it was not being accepted as it was actually a duplicate, the correct title was already listed, it just didn't have the correct attribute so it was not displaying properly, which I have already fixed for you.

Regarding the customer service replies I apologize on behalf of our team, I have escalated the situation so agent can receive the proper coaching and avoid this type of experiences in the future.

Please let me know if I may help you with anything else.
