ACT_1's profile

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

Thursday, March 18th, 2021 12:45 AM


[ The Cat in the Hat User Reviews ? ? ]

Wed, Mar 17, 2021

The Cat in the Hat (2003)

56,649 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 4.0 / 10
User Reviews

2,673 Reviews
1,692 Short Reviews 17 March 2021
Most by Users that registered 17 March 2021

and you may want to look at 16 March 2021...
IMDb needs to add Page Numbers to Reviews - not just "Load More"

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago

Hi, ACT_1. Would you prefer that I reserve comment until after the IMDb staff have responded to your post? Because right off the bat I'm concerned about cancel cults making a target of Dr. Seuss's work, but yet I don't want the content of this thread to turn into a massive discussion about that. I've seen too many times that a participant of this forum has posted a question or problem, only to be greeted with lengthy discussions that stray, tangent by tangent, way away from the original subject to be addressed.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

17 March 2021
I did not look at other Dr. Seuss's works

I just look at New Users and found these reviews
There may be other Mass Reviews in one day
IMDb Staff can look at that better than I can
Maybe the Staff can look at these New Users
and see if they are posting more Reviews for other titles
Oh, and maybe these are actually one person with many accounts ? ?

- - -


Little bito History

Sort by: [Helpfulness]
15 March 2021
Simply unreal, breathtaking, life changing 11/10 would recommend
1,026 out of 1,028 found this helpful.

19 March 2021: The requested URL was not found on our server.

- - -

IMDb member since Mon Mar 15 2021

15 March 2021
This a fantastic movie and very epic
This needs to be the highest rated movie
1,008 out of 1,014 found this helpful.

19 March 2021: The requested URL was not found on our server.

- - -

best film

IMDb member since Mon Mar 15 2021

15 March 2021
Best movie i have ever had the fortune to lay my eyes on, 
i strongly encourage you to rate this fantastic show 10 stars
923 out of 925 found this helpful.

19 March 2021: The requested URL was not found on our server.

- - -
very epic
15 March 2021
The second finest film ever created, 
only behind Harry Potter and the noscopers stone
790 out of 798 found this helpful.

19 March 2021: The requested URL was not found on our server.

- - -  

Make sure reviews are reviews again (minimum of 50 words instead of 50 characters)

Sat, Jan 27, 2018



8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

19 March 2021

The Cat in the Hat (2003)

718 Reviews

16 March 2021 :   0
17 March 2021 :   1
18 March 2021 : 93
19 March 2021 : 23

71,013 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 4.0 / 10
Rating            Votes
10    31.4%   22,329


1 Message


60 Points

4 years ago

That's just massive community attack to make fake reviews for a youtuber (Memeulous) request and when movie will get best overal movie rank he promised face reveal. All rating after 16.03 is fake and should be removed






17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

4 years ago

Hi All -


Thanks for the reports, we are currently aware of the abuse and are investigating the title and taking the appropriate actions.


Thanks again!

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

19 March 2021

The Cat in the Hat (2003)
602 Reviews

16 March 2021 :  0
17 March 2021 :  1
18 March 2021 :  0
19 March 2021 :  0

71,073 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 4.0 / 10
Rating           Votes
10    31.5%  22,385

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20 March 2021

58,675 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 4.0 / 10
Rating           Votes
10    17.1%  10,030

- - -

22 March 2021
60,112 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 4.0 / 10
Rating         Votes
10    19.0% 11,447

- - -


23 March 2021
54,610 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 4.0 / 10
Rating     Votes
10  10.9%  5,932
 1  18.1%  9,878

