32 Messages


506 Points

Monday, January 8th, 2024 12:43 AM


The Beekeeper still won't allow ratings/reviews

The Beekeeper (tt15314262)

There was a nationwide early screening available to the public on Saturday 1/6/24. Why are ratings/reviews still not allowed?

People coming to your website looking for ratings/reviews will end up going elsewhere. This isn't the fist time this has happened. Please get it together.

(Side note: it took 3 full days for my Night Swim review to post. There would be 3-4 new reviews approved every few hours. Another example of failing those who are coming to your website to read reviews)



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

9 months ago

That screening date has not been added to the page. I don't know whether it would be approved.

32 Messages


506 Points

there were showtimes for it on IMDb. in fact, i only heard about it because of an email from IMDb for movies from my watch list coming out this week.

also, it wasn't limited theaters, there were 20 theaters around me playing it



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

Showtimes are a separate feature, I believe.

in fact, i only heard about it because of an email from IMDb for movies from my watch list coming out this week.

I'm not sure how those emails are generated, but if they are based on the database I guess the date may have been listed and then changed. According to this the emails should only cover wide releases.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

9 months ago

@FeastMode  As Peter has noted above, we require a valid release date which is in the past to be listed on IMDb before voting and reviewing for a title can be active. This explains why this title is not yet active. 

This has been our longstanding policy for decades.  Advance screenings whether they are open to the public, or private, or the result of competitions, or similar are commonplace and  they are not generally accepted in our release dates section, sorry. We found it caused too much customer confusion from people unware that not everything opens wide on a Friday (and opens in the US first, regardless of production country :-). We used to allow reviews (but not ratings) in such cases as long as the review clearly stated that the screening was a special screening ahead of a proper release.  Unfortunately this trust was abused, and IMDb received more negative criticism for allowing such reviews vs. the benefit of permitting them.  

While we understand your reasoning that early access to valid opinions is a good thing, the practicalities are that the potential for abuse is too great, and to your point, rather than drive people away by not having early opinions, we are more likely to drive people away by having them. 

We cannot speak to your Night Swim review example, but if you provide the 18-digit contribution ID from your (beta) contribution history, we can take a look at what happened.  We aim for swift processing of reviews but the recent holidays may have impacted this release given the timing. 

Hope this helps. 

32 Messages


506 Points

Hi @Col_Needham . I truly appreciate this in depth response. And sorry for my frustration before, I have dealt with this many times without any meaningful resolution.

I understand and agree with all of your concerns about review bombing. But the same problems are still there after the movie comes out. And the issues you mention probably happened when early screenings are extremely limited, like at film festivals. But this was nationwide, thousands of people have seen it already.

Additionally, even if you wanted to hold all reviews/ratings until the wide release, there is a much better way to do it. Allow me to submit the review/rating and don't post them right away. It can show a message saying it will post when the movie goes wide. And that way you already have a log of reviews and can post them in order of submission.

Instead, most of the people who would have reviewed it will no longer have fresh thoughts on the movie. And that's if they actually remember to come back and review it. For the ones who do remember, they will either need to keep checking repeatedly or get lucky in order to be processed before the masses.

Do you see why I view the entire strategy as nonsensical? There are also other options, like only allowing Prolific Reviewers to post early. Or holding all reviews from people who have less than 500 reviews in their history.

As for Night Swim taking so long (#240105-024120-445604), this is not specific to the holidays or time of year. I see this ALL THE TIME with new releases. For this example, I submitted my review Thursday night. Zero reviews were posted until late Friday, at which point there were three reviews. I checked on Saturday and there were 11 reviews, with me still waiting. How can it possibly take this long?

Even really small indie films with limited releases, like Malum (2023) which I complained about below. There were a total of 5 reviews after 9 days, so it wasn't at all being flooded with submissions.


Also, in some of those cases where I wait days for a new release review to be posted, I will sometimes submit as many as 10 other reviews for other movies, which are all approved within minutes. And yet I still wait for that new release review to be posted.

It doesn't make sense. Please help me understand. The first few days after release have the highest engagement. Other reviews get hundreds of votes while mine is waiting for someone to finally get to it, even if there are only a handful of reviews for that movie.

P.S. I absolutely LOVE that contribution history page. Please make it show any reviews that have been removed. I have had reviews incorrectly removed without any sort of notification, which drives me crazy. At least I can monitor that page if it also shows removals (not denials, ones that are removed after they were already approved and posted)



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points


But the same problems are still there after the movie comes out. 

The difference after release is that everyone is aware the title has been released and has the chance to see and rate/review it. We have learned this from bitter experience and (often unjust) social media criticism.  We have already evaluated the suggestions you made and even trialled some of them without success, sorry.  At the present time, we have to remain cautious. 

Thanks for the background on the other reviews.  The comments from Michelle on the other thread still stand right now.  Your points have been passed to the team as we willl be migrating to the review system to the new technology in 2024. 

32 Messages


506 Points


Thank you.

I still think seeing 3 reviews approved every few hours is absurd, even if you're having the approval Quality Reviewed twice. And resources should be focused on new releases. It's so odd that reviews for old movies are approved within minutes but new releases take hours or days. If anything, it should be the opposite.

I'll consider this issue resolved. Thanks again for your help.

32 Messages


506 Points

8 months ago


Sorry to keep bringing this up, but I monitored another example that makes no sense. If you confirm that you are sending this to someone who can actually address the issue, I will stop complaining about it in the future. I just feel like you guys really don't know how poorly this is being handled.

The movie Lift (tt14371878) was released yesterday (Friday 1/12/24). I submitted my review at 5:45pm CST (#240112-232506-900104).

At that point there was one review listed by user searchanddestroy-1.

The next day at 5:38am on 1/13/24, there was still one review posted.

At 12pm there were 3 reviews posted. At 2pm my review was finally posted along with 30 others.

That initial review that was posted alone for an entire day has 200 votes. The next highest is 30.

IMDb is doing a disservice to it's contributors and to the people coming to read reviews by only having one person's review for an entire day, during the time when the highest number of people will be checking the review page.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@FeastMode​ Thanks, this is good data which we have forwarded to the team responsible.