geoff_baylis_881s200nvsipw's profile

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254 Points

Monday, April 27th, 2020 7:17 AM


Suggestion: You cannot change the laws of physics

Suggest a section addition to goofs / Factual Errors... for "bending/ignoring physics".

In many movies (I just added one to "Contact(1997)", the producers waive the laws of physics to complete a scene. While this is is acceptable in a movie where physics as we understand them are brought into question (Superman flies, Jumper leaps to locations he has seen etc) it is not so acceptable where they are trying to sustain realism.

Would it be acceptable to have a Scotty "You cannot change the laws of physics" option in the
goofs where we can flag things that behave outside the films intended realism.
For example any movie that shows a car driving off a cliff and exploding in a ball of flames before it reaches the ground etc.

Perhaps the section could be "Physics anomalies" or similar.

In a reversal of this idea, I put forward an 'Incorrectly regarded as goof" on "Superman Returns(2006)" which itself seems to have gone...(under an old work logon, not XLNC.NRG)  ... where people were commenting that an "EMP" travels near the speed of light so the power cut should have happened instantly, not radiating out..... In this movie though they were using "Alien Technology", not an EMP so they can get away with it.

(I also added the 'Ship sailing in reverse' comment in Superman returns.

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