141 Messages


1.7K Points

Monday, October 16th, 2023 3:33 PM

No Status


Suggestion to bring back the this number of reviews have been deleted function


Before IMDb changed its format around 2017, reviewers were able to see at the top of our review page how many reviews of ours had been deleted, either by us or removed through reporting. We were also able to see which reviews had been deleted/removed. Something that was incredibly helpful. From late 2017 onwards when the format changed, this function disappeared. I strongly believe that it should be brought back, and it will solve the increasingly major problem that prolific reviewers, reviewers whose reviews have been removed more frequently and people that have difficulty accessing emails have had countless times. Judging from how many times I have seen threads reporting the problem (every other day at least once) and how it has happened to me more than once, review removals have been an increasing worry and especially when you don't know which review it is.

Bringing back the function of seeing how many reviews have been removed and which ones they are would be a lot less unsettling, especially for prolific reviewers and if it has happened regularly. One can look back and narrow down the reasons for the deletion when reading and addressing them when editing or re-writing them for re-submission. It does mean that there will be less threads reporting the problem, though it has to be acknowledged that staff on the whole do amazingly when responding whenever people post about missing reviews, I have really appreciated being provided lists of removed reviews and reasons as to why they were removed. I can understand if it is not easy to bring back this option with the time, effort and resources needed, but I do think it is a good idea and would be very helpful and a lot easier for anybody who has this problem. Especially when quite a lot of the reports have been malicious rather than legitimate and when it causes a lot of anxiety. I just feel that it has been a major and frustrating problem for ages and should be addressed. Any thoughts?

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