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Sunday, May 16th, 2021 7:34 AM


Suggestion for a new consolidated guide: Submitting data for animated titles

Like user SalemTheBlackCat a month ago, I was surprised to discover animated title listings in the IMDb that have Filming Locations listed, as that seemed wrong to me as well. IMDb staffer Michelle confirmed that it is, in answer to Salem...'s question, and suggested submitting corrections to remove them. All well and good.

But Michelle's reply also ended with this:

For more information on submitting data updates, please review ourHelp Guide.

While that's certainly good advice in general, on this specific topic... well... honestly, the existing contributor documentation doesn't really offer any direct guidance. There's nothing in the Title FAQ, there are no relevant Other Submission Guides, and the actual Filming Locations guide at best implies a relevant policy. The most relevant parts are:

  • This list is for filming locations, i.e. where the filming took place and not necessarily the location portrayed in the movie - so do not add things like Mars for a science-fiction movie set there.
  • In the past, studio locations were not accepted for this list, but they should now be included; please use the attributes field to note this as (studio). Only include studios where original live-action footage was shot, not green-screen or effects work.

Now, if even studio special-effects shooting doesn't qualify, then it's easy to argue that "obviously" any sort of voice recording work wouldn't remotely qualify. And if even live-action work set in in-universe locations doesn't count for that (in-universe) location then "clearly" an animated location isn't submissible under that same rule.

Except, even-more-obviously those things aren't completely clear or obvious, because submissions of Filming Locations for animation are still being made, and getting approved. Yes, I realize that there are people who'd submit the same things even if there was a 48-point flashing red message in the submission guide saying, "FILMING LOCATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED FOR ANIMATED TITLES WITHOUT LIVE-ACTION COMPONENTS". Which is why there's no point in doing that... but I think a middle ground can be found somewhere between that level of directness and the current total absence of any direct mention at all.

So, I have two suggestions, one very specific and the other more general:

  1. To address the specific issue at hand, I'd suggest updating the Filming Locations guide so that those bullet points I quoted above cover a bit more ground, perhaps something like:

    • This list is for filming locations, i.e. where the filming took place and not necessarily the location portrayed in the movie - so do not add things like Mars for a science-fiction movie set there. Do not add locations depicted in fully-animated scenes, whether real or fictional.

    • In the past, studio locations were not accepted for this list, but they should now be included; please use the attributes field to note this as (studio). Only include studios where original live-action footage was shot, not green-screen and other effects work, animation, or voiceover/ADR recording.

More generally, it seems to me like there are probably enough special-consideration issues specific to the submission of data for animated titles — things that are only relevant to animated titles, and which are pretty much universal across all submissions of animated works — that it might be helpful to consolidate those edge case rules into a new "Other Submission Guides" document specifically focused on "Animated titles".

Aside from the Filming Locations question, the animation-specific rules I can think of offhand are:

  1. Tagging voice actors in image submissions (which is covered already in the "Tagging Names" section of the Image Guidelines):
    • Voice actors for animated titles can be tagged if the character is clearly displayed within the image. For animated titles, we will display the actor tags within title image gallery, but not within the name image gallery.
  2. The rules regarding submission of voice acting credits, including dubbing into foreign languages, which are covered extensively and in great detail at the Cast/Acting credit guidelines' section D. Voice Credits.

There are probably more I'm not immediately thinking of, and certainly I imagine the list would only grow over time as new questions arose and additional policy decisions were made.

Point is, it might be helpful to pull all of those rules together into one place (in addition to covering them in all of the relevant topic guidelines) — or in the case of the voice acting credits rules, at least presents a summary and links to the full details.

OTOH, perhaps it would be deemed too confusing / too much work to maintain what would effectively be duplicate information. I could accept that.

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