DataOrganizer's profile

41 Messages


764 Points

Monday, June 7th, 2021 5:43 PM


Suggestion: Could a limiting of the number of keyword contributions (transactions) make sense?

I recognized that some new or older (less frequently used keywords) can grow quickly.
Frequently used keywords can also make big leaps over and over again in short time.
I would like to ask for your opinion and thoughts, whether it would make sense to set a limit for the contribution of keywords, so that no individual user can set the same keyword too often in a certain time.
This maybe would make it easier to recognize which keywords are actually used by several other users and are (or will be) really popular, or what is just indexing old titles, personal taste or clean up work (uniting similar keywords). Such changes then would be going on slower.

Additional Informations:
a) All these limits could be set for the number of "hourly/daily/weekly/monthly" transactions
b) "keyword contribution" in the following means: correction/adding/deleting
c) The limits could be designed to affect only titles that are older than X weeks/months/years (release date), so that actual titles would not be affected.

One of these would be my suggestions:
1) generally limit of keyword contributions per user.
2) limit of keyword contributions for the same keyword per user.
3) limit of keyword contributions per title.

4) limit of keyword contributions per show/series (in relation to the number of episodes)
5) limit of keyword contributions per keyword for all users together (differentiated and in relation between more and fewer frequent used keywords). 

Thank you very much for your thoughts!

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