sl80's profile

15 Messages


640 Points

Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 11:30 PM



Submitting image error

When i try to upload a image (poster, Still,...) appears the error: (weeks ago)

Submission Error

Sorry we are unable to process your submission at this time. Please try again later

Accepted Solution

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

2 years ago

"Please try again later." Hm...

15 Messages


640 Points

@jeorj_euler​ i try severas days (two weeks). 

The error is only mine? Or more People?

Sorry my por english


10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

In that case, sl80, please tell us the width, height, file size and file type of the image.

15 Messages


640 Points

@jeorj_euler​ 1330×1080,  161.13 kb, jpg

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Okay, there is nothing out of the ordinary about those properties. So, which particular IMDb title page is involved? If the content of the image is "safe for work" (safer than what is required on the main site), then please share it here on the forum by using the forum's native image upload feature, or another way (only if you much prefer). Might be interesting to know if it can be uploaded anywhere that generates thumbnail renditions of images.

15 Messages


640 Points

I open the archive in photo-editor, save a copy of the photo, and try now with the copy. Submit without problem. 

I dont know what happened. Sorry for the inconvenience. It is a Paranormal experience. Thanks a lot.  

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Fair enough. All is well that ends well. So, now, we know what to try for future reference.