5 Messages


110 Points

Monday, June 3rd, 2024 3:28 AM


Submission gets randomly taken down

I have provided evidence as requested of participation in Megalopolis, (paystub, call sheet) and it will get accepted only to

randomly get deleted every few 

months. When it got deleted once again I resubmitted everything again only to have it declined this time. Not sure why this is happening now.



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi @Rnsands,

Please can you provide us with your 18-digit submission reference for the declined contribution? You can find this in your Contribution History.


5 Messages


110 Points

@Ozzy​ #240529-023512-451000



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @Rnsands,

Thank you for the submission reference.

I can confirm this submission was declined as a duplicate. The credit you are trying to add has been approved, in your submission dated April 1st, 2024 (240401-031310-720000). However, as this submission corrected the credit to be listed with the "(uncredited)" attribute with the title being unreleased and we have not received evidence of your name being listed in the on-screen credits, the credit will not display on your IMDb page until you have at least one other credited credit listed on your page.

This is outlined in our Help guide, please review the FAQ in our Adding filmography credits article for more information.

I hope this helps!


5 Messages


110 Points

@Ozzy​ I am a little confused as it was approved several times then taken down. Also, if this is the only production he’s been in then there’s no credit until he’s in a different production? What about the many other people listed as uncredited in the credits that are still on there even though there’s no wide release to get a screen grab?



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @Rnsands,

It will have been listed on their IMDb page without the "(uncredited)" attribute, before being removed and not displaying per the logic explained above. This will have been down to contribution/processing errors, but as we have received no confirmation of the name appearing in the on-screen credits, "(uncredited)" is how the credit should be formatted.

In response to your further questions, this is correct, the uncredited credit will only display on the IMDb page once there is a fully credited credit listed on the person's IMDb page. As for the other people listed as uncredited on this title, they will have other credited credits on their pages which forces the display of the uncredited credits. This logic is explained further in the FAQ of the Help guide linked above.

I hope this helps!

5 Messages


110 Points

@Ozzy​ so if he is in no other productions then there will never be a credit posted? That seems counterproductive especially if one is paying for IMDbPro. Just trying to work through the logic, not giving anyone a hard time. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me!



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@Rnsands​ Hi! This is our policy, you can confirm on our guidelines.
