1.3K Messages
23.4K Points
Standalone Adjectives as Keywords
I have often wondered about standalone adjectives as keywords, like exciting, weird, heart-breaking, bizarre, absurd, inspirational, creepy, strange, etc. (And, even more general adjectives like psychological and emotional that could seem applicable to almost any title in the entire database.)
The main problem is that these standalone adjectives can appear to be a personal and subjective and critical evaluation or interpretation of the title, itself, and thus should probable be more appropriately used in reviews.
If used as a modifier of a noun, they can be factual keywords, But, when used alone, they can cause confusion.
And, isn't "spirituality" a better keyword than "spiritual"? "religion," a better keyword than "religious"? "ambition," a better keyword than "ambitious"?
This concern also applies to adjectives that can be used as nouns. Wouldn't "gay-character" be a better keyword than the standalone "gay," which could just mean carefree and effervescent.
I realize that there may be valid exceptions, but, generally speaking, shouldn't standalone adjectives be avoided as keywords? They can be accurate when modifying a noun, but, as standalone keywords, they seem highly suspect of just being personal opinion.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
In general I agree, and as you point out there can be exceptions. The best way to describe this is standalone adjectives are disfavored as keywords (but not always prohibited).
Here are clickable links for the keywords you mentioned.
exciting (13 titles)
weird (172 titles)
heartbreaking (19 titles)
bizarre (115 titles)
absurd (192 titles)
inspirational (159 titles)
creepy (191 titles)
strange (11 titles)
psychological (442 titles)
emotional (93 titles)
spiritual (586 titles)
religious (491 titles)
gay (14826 titles)
I agree that with these keywords, in many cases (but not all cases), the contributors have improperly used the keywords to subjectively characterize the movie or show itself rather than a plot point. For that reason, most of it not all of these keywords could use some careful "auditing."
I agree that "psychological" and "emotional" are not great keywords and could be audited, but I disagree that they might be applicable to "almost any title in the entire database." For example, there are plenty of documentaries and experimental films without any psychological or emotional aspects.
14.4K Messages
330K Points
2 years ago
I used to prefer other options, but "gay" has some advantages: it is more widely used than any alternatives, it corresponds to common usage (for example, google "gay shorts"), and it matches other keywords like "lesbian", "bisexual" and "transgender" (which form the abbreviation LGBT). Like some of those, it can also be used as a noun. This doesn't rule out also using other keywords like "gay-character".
1.3K Messages
23.4K Points
2 years ago
I have never seen a documentary nor an experimental film that was not BOTH psychological and emotional. For that matter, I have never seen ANY film that was not BOTH psychological and emotional. "Intellectual," however, is another situation entirely.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
Here are a few more that probably should not be keywords. Some of these could be merged into other keywords while most should be audited, deleted, and then blocked.
ridiculous (7 titles)
unbelievable (6 titles)
impossible (14 titles)
amazing (13 titles)
unhappy (19 titles)
depressing (16 titles)
uplifting (23 titles)
simple (18 titles)
boring (15 titles)
bittersweet (25 titles)
extreme (142 titles)
dark (1202 titles)
natural (77 titles)
messy (17 titles)
awkward (121 titles)
dishonest (7 titles)
honest (21 titles)
inspired (5 titles)
twisted (11 titles)
fabulous (4 titles)
1.3K Messages
23.4K Points
2 years ago
"gay-" as a prefix or suffix is very useful, but, as an standalone adjective, it is just not a good keyword. "gay-" what? what "-gay"?
And, isn't lgbtq now preferred over lgbt?
5.6K Messages
58.7K Points
2 years ago
Hi @bradley_kent ,@keyword_expert ,@Peter_pbn and @jeorj_euler -
Bradley_Kent thank you so much for reporting this issue. I must agree that some of this keywords should be audited and probably changed to a better keyword, I will let all you experts to do so and talk about which are the best to stay, let me know once any action has to be taken on my side (merging/blocking/auto-converting/deleting) just tag me and I will take action. We appreciate the efforts in making our keyword database better every day.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
Here is a consolidated, alphabetical list of the keywords that have come up in this thread that I think we can all agree could and should be audited and then blocked from the system. (Some of them might even be able to be blocked without any auditing.) This list does not include clickable links, but those are provided elsewhere in the thread.
absurd (192 titles)
amazing (13 titles)
awkward (121 titles)
bittersweet (25 titles)
bizarre (115 titles)
boring (15 titles)
creepy (191 titles)
dark (1202 titles)
depressing (16 titles)
dishonest (7 titles)
emotional (93 titles)
exciting (13 titles)
extreme (142 titles)
fabulous (4 titles)
heartbreaking (19 titles)
honest (21 titles)
impossible (14 titles)
inspirational (159 titles)
inspired (5 titles)
messy (17 titles)
natural (77 titles)
ridiculous (7 titles)
simple (18 titles)
strange (11 titles)
twisted (11 titles)
unbelievable (6 titles)
unhappy (19 titles)
uplifting (23 titles)
weird (172 titles)
1.3K Messages
23.4K Points
2 years ago
"absurd-" may be needed as a prefix. "unhappy" may need to be corrected to "unpahhiness" IF that is a Plot Detail. For the same reason, "awkward" may need to be corrected to "awkwardness," "dark" to "darkness," "depressing" to "depression," etc.
I know you get tired of me saying this, but they need to be audited before correction or deletion. At any rate, they should be discouraged from incorrect submission.