Vande's profile

236 Messages


4.6K Points

Friday, December 1st, 2023 12:35 PM


In Progress

STAFF: Name Searches No Longer Work When Reordered

If I wanted to look and see who has passed away this year, I would go to this page:  Death date between 2023-01-01 and 2023-12-31 (Sorted by Popularity Ascending) (

If I want to see more than 50, I click on "50 more" at the bottom.

But say I then want to reorder it to see the order in which they have died, rather than who strangers liked the most.  So I click on "Sort by" at the top and change Popularity to Death Date:  Death date between 2023-01-01 and 2023-12-31 (Sorted by Death date Ascending) (
Now, if I want to see more than 50, I click on "50 more" at the bottom, and instead of showing me 50 more, the "50 more" just disappears and still shows me 50.

If you wanted to copy Google and get rid of pages on search results, instead displaying them as one long list, you should have at the least tested to see if it worked first.  I'd personally rather just have the pages as before, as it is less strain on display resources.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign



38 Messages


414 Points

1 year ago

Hi @Vande ,

Thank you for your report of this issue. I have filed a ticket (ref. #D106712688) with the appropriate team for investigation.