bennett_ryle's profile

2 Messages


120 Points

Friday, August 19th, 2016 6:43 AM


Spoilers in the trivia section should be more specifically marked. Or spoilers in general

I wish there was a way for users to be more specific when marking things as spoilers. As an example, I've been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and as I normally do, I like to look at the IMDb page for each episode after I watch them, looking at trivia, reviews, etc. Three times now, I have looked in the trivia at something marked for spoilers, and I've had major character deaths later in the series spoiled for me. In the episode trivia, I would assume that a spoiler tag would mean spoilers for that episode, which is why I decided to read them since I had already watched the episode. What needs to happen is a way to specify spoilers: Episode Spoilers, Series Spoilers, Season 7 Spoilers, etc. If those trivia items had been marked "Series Spoilers" or something like that, I wouldn't have read them and I wouldn't have the stories ruined. This could apply to reviews too, or anywhere where content can be marked as a spoiler. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had an issue like this, and some specificity when it comes to spoilers would really go a long way. This feedback is both for the app and for the site in general.

2 Messages


120 Points

8 years ago

It just happened yet again. I guess it's time to stop looking at trivia until this feature is implemented.

35 Messages


956 Points

7 years ago

Yup, I've been having the same problem with Star Trek: DS9. Was the same with Star Trek TNG. People are being major douchebags. I report those trivia items when I notice them, but they don't always get deleted. It's a real problem, which I think IMDB should address. People who spoil for others shouldn't be allowed to continue doing it. Log their IP and just ban them from posting or editing. Should be simple enough.