Vincent_Fournols's profile

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Sunday, September 16th, 2018 3:58 PM


Split segment titles

Among the movies registered in the IMDb, there are hundreds which are "segment movies", i.e. made of several segments with distinct casts and technical teams, very often even the directors. Usually, only the producer is common to all of them.
E.g. see:

I would like to see the segments treated separately, exactly like series episodes, with a specific marker (Series > episode, Movie > segment)

Technically speaking for the database, I anticipate no change of the existing data model, only and probably a few configurations to be tweaked and controls to be added.



4K Messages


244.1K Points

6 years ago

Hm. What you are referring to are (mostly) anthologies. Production-wise while segments are often produced separately, they are financed and enter post-production as one title. Moreover, attribute "(segment "Segement Title")" totally could be added to cast and crew listings. Eg. Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983).

I agree there's totally a room for improvement, but treating segements like episodes will require a lot of internal re-wiring as episodes are separate titles. I am not sure that there should be separate titles for segments. 

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

6 years ago

Hi Nikolay,

Absolutely not!! :) I am talking of movies made of segments produced for that specific movie, not intended for any other form of ditribution.
The "genre" was widely popular in the 1960's, especially in Italy, and I am talking of hundreds of movies. The 4 I listed fall under it as examples.

And if you have seen the movies, the segments can sure be treated as separate titles.

I just spotted that there is a keyword to identify them:, 409 entries, with probably a lot of them missing.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

I would add that a lot of current entries have the attribute (segment "segment title"), but that way is a heck to make out the individual credits for each segment.



4K Messages


244.1K Points

Okay, I misunderstood then, but most of the titles with such a keyword still seem to be anthologies or anthology-like movies. Among listed movies are Paris, je t'aime (an anthology which has a main theme plus was essentially produced as one title), Andrey Rublev (while it has several segments of sorts they essentially tell one story of one character over the years), Night on Earth (anthology filmed in 5 different cities in several countries with different crews but one director) and, predicatable enough, a film serial Flash Gordon which does not have episodes because film serials are listed as one title. 

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Ah, OK I did not go into details. So out of the films you listed:
  • Paris je t'aime (+Paris je t'aime 20 ans après + Montréal je t'aime + New York Stories + ...), Night on Earth... all fall under the "segment film" catégory I am aiming at: all segments were produced with the purpose of being shown together as one program.
  • - Andrey Roublev definitely does not, as the film is one single work, and its parts never considered separately
  • - film serials such as Flash Gordon are another category of its own, with hundreds of productions build on the same economic pinciples: one episode shown each week as first feature in the 1930's.



4K Messages


244.1K Points

There is one problem, though: Paris, je t'aime was deliberately made and coordinated to essentially be one edited narrative piece. It is, by the way, a personal favorite of mine (in fact one of the 25 most favorite movies which might soon transform into 26 most favorite) and I honestly can't perceive it as a collection: despite each director brought something of his own, it was very well creatively coordinated to fit into one edited structure. Moreover, ending of the movie has almost every segment collide a bit. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

6 years ago

I agree that there should be a way to view the information about the movie according to segment.