danielr_02's profile

11 Messages


356 Points

Thursday, July 20th, 2023 1:11 AM



Sorting Web-Series Creator/Writer credits

Hello! Currently having an issue sorting various credits regarding creators, 'storyline deveopers' and script-writers on the main page and episode guides for a web series I worked on last year. I devised the overall series, characters, vague outlines for the four episodes and pitched it in April of 2022. I then worked with three other script-writers to further develop the storylines for all episodes, then the four of us each penned and directed a separate episode each.

I attempted to add the creator/'developed by' credits to the main page and scriptwriter credits to the episode guides, but the former has merged with the latter and now appears alphabetically by surname rather than by role (in some cases, the scriptwriter does not appear in the "writer" field of the episode guide unless the user selects "all cast and crew". Thanks!

Accepted Solution



14.5K Messages


331.1K Points

1 year ago

The episode credits can be ordered through the order field, as explained in the writers guidelines. They should follow screen credits.

The series credits are generally an automatic summary of the episode credits, and I'm not sure they are affected by order numbers.