1K Messages
30.3K Points
Someone seems to be removing the keyword "cigarette" from the database
I've twice added the keyword cigarette to WE, THE ANIMALS - SQUEAK! (1941), and twice someone has removed it.
It looks as though someone is in the process of changing every instance of the keyword cigarette to cigarette-smoking ~ or, if the title already has the keyword cigarette-smoking, simply deleting cigarette outright.
Some titles will show cigarettes without showing anyone smoking them. We need both keywords: cigarette and cigarette-smoking.
17.6K Messages
314.8K Points
4 years ago
Hi jay_spirit -
Apologies for the delayed response.
I have reinstated the "cigarette" keyword on the title page for "We, the Animals - Squeak!". If you continue observing incorrect removal of this keyword from other titles please report those here and our staff will investigate further.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
4 years ago
Mr. Kent said:
I usually agree with Mr. Kent regarding keywords, but on this one I strongly disagree. By his logic, we might as well not have the keyword "teacher," because most teachers engage in "teaching," we should not have the keyword "road," because roads are designed for "driving," and we should not have the keyword "bicycle," because bicycles are designed for "bicycling."
I do agree with Mr. Kent that keyword synonyms should be avoided and merged as much as possible. With that said, "cigarette" and "cigarette-smoking" are neither synonyms, nor duplicates, nor redundancies. They are related to each other, but they denote different things. And they should remain separate keywords.
I do understand that many titles would end up having both of these keywords applied to the same title (if not for the person who is regularly changing "cigarette" to "cigarette smoking"). But I am completely okay with that. It allows for very precise searches. If someone is interested in searching for all movies involving cigarettes (even if no smoking is shown), they can do that. On the other hand, if someone wants to search for all movies involving the smoking of cigarettes, they can search for that, too.
1.4K Messages
23.7K Points
4 years ago
All of the above cited examples would better be served by the inclusion of a more specific keyword: "anti-smoking," "cigar-as-prop," "cigarette-smuggling," "selling-a-cigarette," "cigarette-behind-ear," etc. But all still involve actual or potential or implied smoking as a content subject. What are cigarettes for if not for smoking? There are so many possibilities that cover the more specifics, and they can be included as such.
Do a search of the keyword "cigarette," and see what you get.
2.7K Messages
47K Points
4 years ago
Mr. Kent wrote:
But the converse is not true: If there is a "cigarette," there is not obviously "cigarette-smoking."
And that is the simplest and best way to explain why Mr. Kent's position is incorrect regarding related, but not synonymous, keywords.
1K Messages
30.3K Points
4 years ago
Will the staff see this thread, even though the problem is marked "solved"?
1.4K Messages
23.7K Points
4 years ago
Please know that I, too, "feel bad, really bad" "when someone destroys my work here, I feel bad. Really bad. Like discouraged and disincentivized bad. It doesn't matter how small the contribution is. It makes me want to stop contributing to the database." Said so well.
But I resent any insinuation that I may have had anything to do with the original title that stimulated this thread, WE, THE ANIMALS - SQUEAK! (1941). Never heard of that title before now, never touched it.
I think that we are all assuming that others view things the same way that each one of us does, especially when t comes to sometimes subtle yet exacting differentiations. This is not a question of rationality, but of the need for definitions of certain keywords. And a contributor should be made aware of those definitions, and a staff list manager should enforce them. Assumption of understanding is the main reason for any miscommunication.
For years, I have used my own Keyword Cross Reference Index to avoid duplications and repetitions and redundancies. ("cigarette," by the way, does not yet appear in that Index.). My Index is always in a state of revision, as is IMDb, itself. It's a liquid, fluid situation. Anything is subject to change.
Just spent several hours reviewing my contributions for May and back to April 20, and find that 2/3rds of them dealt with Japanese anime, so "cigarette" is not high on my list of current keyword concerns. Yes, I have made some corrections from "cigarrette" to "cigarette," and have made some changes by combining the separate "cigarette" and "smoking" keywords into a "cigarette-smoking" keyword. But, hereafter, I will not touch any existing "cigarette" keyword. I wish all of you on this thread good luck in correcting the over 13,000 titles that only have the "cigarette-smoking" keyword, and those that now just have the "cigarette" keyword. This longtime problem is not of my making.
Whatever the decision, I still wish that the majority would rule in determining a keyword choice. That was the way it was in the early years of IMDb, and, although it has resulted in many inconsistencies, I still think it is the best modus operandi. (I have been contributing for many years, longer than IMDb says, since I used a different name in the early, formative, pre-Amazon years.) And, as I always say, I know that there are exceptions. But minority rule is undemocratic and usually wrong.
1.4K Messages
23.7K Points
4 years ago
Alas, "lighting-someone's-cigarette"and "lighting-a-cigarette-for-someone" may not be true synonyms to some eyes. In the first, you already have a cigarette in your mouth and I light it for you, while, in the second I light the cigarette in my mouth and than give it to you, a la Paul Henreid for Bette Davis. Minutiae can always destroy possible synonyms, as can the reality of countless viewpoints.
I don't smoke.
When my work is destroyed, I feel like a dog who has been kicked in the "testicles-slur," and there are more than two of those.
P.S. How did you manage 500 additions of "cigarette," entering them one at a time?
On to more important things...