robert_jason_88ri6m7eerul1's profile

14 Messages


504 Points

Friday, August 31st, 2018 9:08 PM


Someone else with my Name, Robert Jason has MY credits on HIS IMDb page.

Another person with my name has my credits on HIS page. How can I have them removed?

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3.4K Messages


138.9K Points

6 years ago

It depends on a number of factors. Which credits belong to you? Which credits belong to the other person?

If all of the credits are in a different department, you could submit a name split.

Are the credits for both people in the same department? If so, you may need to submit an update manually move each of the titles listed to a new name page or to the correct name page. 

If you know the name page the other credits belong to, you can submit an update by changing the Roman numeral to the correct name page. 

If you do not know which name the credits belong to, it's best to move the credits, which means creating a new IMDb name page with a different Roman numeral. 

If you don't mind, please provide the URL of the page and which credits belong to you and to the other person so an IMDb representative or a contributor can provide a definitive answer to your request.

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

I don't HAVE a page. Apparently, whomever created the other "Robert Jason"..who is in the VISUAL end of the business just pounded it all in. It really should their responsibility to manage their page, see the incorrect credits, and remove them. I have no access to his page. I Googled my name, and at the top are links to MY world. A few spots down is the IMBd link to another Robert Jason. When I clicked the link, there staring me in the face were of ton of my credits interspersed with other material from the other Robert Jason. Not sure what I can actually accomplish? Thanks.



3.4K Messages


138.9K Points

6 years ago

Just to clarify, are you listed in the credits for a film or TV project?
If you are credited, what are the titles?

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

GMJ, appreciate your help. I'm not sure I quite understand your question. From a quick observation, ANYTHING on his page connected to songwriting, singing...films, TV, records, etc belong to ME. He appears to be in screen writing, directing, etc. Fine work if you can get it, but definitely NOT MY skill set! I wrote the 6 songs in Out For Justice, and all the other songwriting/vocal/MUSIC OR SOUNDTRACK production.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

6 years ago

GMJ wrote, "If all of the credits are in a different department, you could submit a name split."

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

Jeorj, I'm not a member, other than getting in here, and really am more interested in the other guy NOT having my credits than my being listed. I don't have the time to get a page up on this fine place. I just don't really appreciate seeing my work credited to someone else, though it may be quite innocent. Who compiles this stuff? I'm also on the faculty of a university in this area, and am pretty tied up these days. Thanks as well to you fro your interest.



3.4K Messages


138.9K Points

Sorry that we cannot help you on this matter.  

14 Messages


504 Points

Well, I appreciate that. I can't help feeling that I was intruded upon. Why wouldn't the fellow displaying my credits feel it wrong to do so? I guess I still consider integrity to be an element of the equation. 



1.2K Messages


34.1K Points

6 years ago

Hi Robert,

Every IMDb page has an "edit" button at the bottom of the page for any user to submit additions or corrections to the site. If you are sure you have an accurate listing of which credits are yours versus the other Robert Jason, please feel free to submit a name split to the site. This will move your credits off of the incorrect Robert Jason's page, to a new one. 

Thank you! 

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

Elizabeth, most thoughtful of you to chime in here. I can certainly try. I am absolutely positive I know what I DID, and what I didn't do, and of what I am incapable of doing.

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

It wants me to re-sign in, and "link"...if I use my FB sign in. I have no account, so no other way. I don't want to link my email address to the Other Robert Jason's account...that would be a nightmare.
Oh well.



1.2K Messages


34.1K Points

Hi Robert,

To submit changes to the site, you do need to first sign in to your IMDb account. This will not link you in any way to Robert Jason's account or page on IMDb. 


14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

Well, I apparently DO have an IMDb account. Must have been done for me by an agent. There is a string of numbers after my name.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

6 years ago

Robert: There are several people participating in this thread who are willing to advise you, but we need you to provide more details. After all, you know what your film credits are, but we don't.

Also, as you will see at, there are at least 5 people listed in IMDb under the name "Robert Jason". I assume that the one that includes both your credits and somebody else's is the one at identified as Robert Jason (III), because that is the one with soundtrack credits. But I could be wrong. Please confirm.

In addition, I would say that the most likely situation is that someone didn't know which credits belonged to which Robert Jason and combined the credits of more than one person with the same name on one page without knowing what was correct. That seems more likely to me than some other Robert Jason trying to take advantage of your credits by intentionally combining his credits with yours.

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

Yes, the 5 Soundtrack credits on that Robert Jason's page..including the Avatar/movie poster are mine. I'd have to check the other "Robert Jasons" for any further credit miss-appropriations.
That's all I saw with a few minutes to look. I have a zillion credits, but no time to list them. No worries. I'm satisfied muddling along. Many thanks. Not sure why there is a string of about 10#s after my name. Like you said, there are 4-5 of us. Thanks



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

6 years ago

Robert: I think we are making some progress.

Regarding the five Soundtrack credits for Robert Jason (III) at ... do you have any non-Soundtrack credits that are listed, or should be listed, in IMDb? The reason I ask is that a person normally can't have a name page of their own with only Soundtrack credits. If you have a Self credit for appearing as yourself in a movie or television show, or a Composer or Music Department credit, or an Actor or any other kind of credit, then you can get a name page of your own. But if you have nothing but Soundtrack credits to list, that's going to be a problem.

If you have an account with a username that looks like "robert-jason-3442912341" (number selected arbitrarily as an example here), that is a username assigned to you by default. It's just for using the website -- not to be associated with your film credits. If you want to replace that with a username of your own choosing, you can do that. For example, I am known as "gromit82" as my IMDb username, but that has nothing to do with my real name or any name I might use if I were credited in a film (which I have not been). You can change your username at, but if you change it, you would have to take a username that has not been used by anyone else before, even yourself.

Note that your username does not have any influence on the way your film credits are listed on IMDb. For all we know, Brad Pitt might be an IMDb user with a username like "Audited-Financial-Statement-23".

14 Messages


504 Points

6 years ago

Haha...Pitt reference. When I wrote/produced songs for a composer/music supervisor to insert in a Film/Mini series, etc, my name would usually be obscured. Kind of how it works in LA, unless you're the Bergmans, Bryan Adams, Carole Bayer Sager, or Diane Warren, who can all wield the power. I took the money and "ran Venezuela." Well, you could in the old days. I wasn't in this for any credit, just to not confuse my FAN looking for a morsel of Songwriter/SAG/AFTRA Vocalist Robert Jason.
Many thanks to all for your help and understanding. Wishing you all successful continuation of your careers.



7.3K Messages


274.2K Points

6 years ago

Robert: Here is how to fix the problem. While this won't get you a name page, it will at least get your credits off of the other person's name page.

You will have to correct each of the films and each of the two "Married with Children" episodes that you have Soundtrack credits on in a separate submission.

Let's take Out for Justice as one example of how to do this. Go to the page for that film at Click "Edit page".

On the next screen, scroll down to the Fun Stuff section, and on the Soundtracks line, select "Correct/Delete". Scroll down and click "Continue".

On the next screen, you will see that the entries all look something like this:

"Shake The Firm"
Written and Produced by [link=nm1722041] and [link=nm0006080]
Performed by Cool J.T.

Note that some of the names are shown as [link=nm.......] rather than being human-readable names. That is the way that people's Soundtrack credits get linked to their IMDb name pages; the number in the link is the number in the URL of their name page.

In this case, the page you are trying to correct, for Robert Jason (III), is So you will be looking for all the songs that include credits for [link=nm1722041].

In the menu to the left of each song that has a credit for [link=nm1722041], which should be all the songs you worked on, select "Correct". Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, wherever you see [link=nm1722041] in a song entry, replace it with Robert Jason instead -- that is, your name in plain text. Leave everybody else's link the same as it is. So for example, the entry for "Shake the Firm" should now say instead:

"Shake The Firm"
Written and Produced by Robert Jason and [link=nm0006080]
Performed by Cool J.T.

Each time you see a checkbox labeled "provide an explanation to assist in processing this change", check that box. Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, you should see an Explanation box for each of the songs you are correcting. For each song, you should enter the same explanation, which should be something like this: "I am Robert Jason, a musician, songwriter, and music producer, and this is one of my credits. However, I am not Robert Jason (III), nm1722041, and this credit should be removed from his page. I do not have an IMDb name page of my own currently, and so the link for this credit needs to be removed." Click "Re-check these updates".

On the next screen, your corrections should appear with a green background, and you should be able to click "Submit these updates".

You will then follow the same process in correcting the Soundtrack pages for Cast a Deadly SpellHero and the TerrorRock Odyssey, and the two "Married with Children" episodes "Oh, What a Feeling" and "Hot off the Grill".

Allow a few days for these corrections to be processed. Once they are processed, these Soundtrack credits will no longer appear on the page of Robert Jason (III), or anyone else's name page. However, your name will still appear on the Soundtrack pages of the films and episodes in the same way that Cool J.T., Michael Jiminez, and Kymberli Armstrong currently have their unlinked names appear on the Out for Justice Soundtrack page at

Good luck!